National Tutoring Programme funding
Information for state-funded schools and independent special schools on funding allocations, how to use the funding and how to report on tutoring.
Your school will get funding for tutoring if any year 1 to 11 pupils are eligible to receive pupil premium. Use the documents in this collection to understand how to arrange tutoring, including calculating how much you’ll pay, and how to record and report on your tutoring.
Includes performance statistics per academic year.
NTP funding guidance 2023 to 2024
NTP guidance and calculator tool for use from September 2023.
NTP academic year allocations
Your initial funding allocation based on your pupil premium-eligible headcount.
NTP performance statistics
Performance statistics per academic year. Includes course starts and school participation by national, regional, local authority level and school phase.
Updates to this page
Added National Tutoring Programme 2023 to 2024 official statistics.
Added new group 'Managing your funding 2023 to 2024' to collection.
Added section 'National Tutoring Programme performance statistics'.
Added a link to the 'National tutoring programme calculator tool: 2022 to 2023'.
First published.