
National Tutoring Programme year-end statement guidance for completing the digital form for local authorities

Updated 16 May 2024

This guidance was withdrawn on

The National Tutoring Programme has now closed.

Applies to England


This guidance is to help you report how you used the National Tutoring Programme (NTP) grant provided by ESFA in the 2022 to 2023 academic year (AY).

You need to submit the year-end statement, even if you did not spend any of your NTP funding.

Who is this publication for?

This guidance is for local authorities (including virtual school heads) who received an NTP allocation for looked-after children (LAC) or pupils they have placed in Independent Special Schools (ISSs) in the 2022 to 2023 AY.

Some sections within this guidance may not be relevant to your local authority, if they relate to a component of the NTP allocation that you did not receive.

When to complete your submission

The deadline is 2:00pm on Friday, 29 September 2023.

The structure of the year-end statement for local authorities

This data collection is divided into a number of sub-forms that make up the full year-end statement for local authorities. You must submit all relevant sub-forms individually for your return to be considered complete. The digital form will help guide you to provide the correct information for your organisation.

If your allocation includes funding for LAC only, you will complete one sub-form. If your allocation includes funding for pupils in ISSs, you will complete 2 sub-forms.

Accessing the form

Access the NTP year-end statement for local authorities digital form to complete your return.

Before you start

Depending on your allocation, make sure you have:

  • a DfE Sign-in account
  • your NTP allocation
  • the total number of LAC who received NTP tutoring
  • your total spend on LAC for all the tuition routes (including your NTP funding and your contribution)
  • total tutoring hours delivered for LAC
  • the names, URN, amount of funding for each ISS that funding was transferred to
  • the total number of hours of tutoring completed with the funding transferred to ISSs
  • your total spend, hours delivered and number of pupils in ISSs who received tutoring centrally

DfE Sign-in

Sign in to your DfE Sign-in account

Follow the below steps to access your DfE Sign-In account:

  1. When prompted, enter your DfE Sign-in credentials (your username and password) for authentication.

  2. Choose the organisation for whom you are completing the form.

  3. The next page will display the details we hold about the organisation you selected when you signed in. This will show the name, address and URN or UKPRN of the organisation, as well as the name and email address of the person who signed into DfE Sign-in.

  4. If these details are correct, select ‘Continue’ to go to the next page.

  5. If you believe these details are incorrect, please complete the ESFA enquiry form and we will investigate. You can still proceed with your submission.

  6. Complete the year-end statement.

Your account must be connected to the organisation you are completing the form for. You do not need to add any services in DfE Sign-in; it is used only for authentication.

If you do not have a DfE Sign-in account

You will need to create one by following steps 1 to 5:

  1. Select ‘create a DfE Sign-in account’ on the DfE Sign-in page.

  2. Enter your name and email address (use a valid business email address that contains your name).

  3. We will send you an email to verify your email address. Copy the code from this email and paste it into the box on the verification page.

  4. Create a memorable password of 8 characters or more. Your password must include 2 uppercase letters, 2 lowercase letters, and 2 numbers.

  5. Sign in using your new credentials, and request access to the organisation for which you would like to submit a form. Your request will be sent to the approver(s) at your organisation for action.

You might have noticed the term ‘approver’ when creating your account. An approver is someone at your organisation responsible for controlling who has access to DfE Sign-in and the services within the system. It’s usually a senior person, such as an administrator or a manager.

For security reasons, you will need the approval of one of your organisation’s approvers before you can access the form.

Once your request to access an organisation has been approved, you can follow the steps outlined under already have a DfE account to complete the form.

 Completing the form

Depending on your allocation, this data collection is divided into a number of sub-forms that make up the full year-end statement for local authorities. You must submit all sub-forms for your return to be considered complete. Following sign in, you will only be shown the sub-forms that are relevant to your local authority, based on the funding you received.

There is a ‘save and continue’ button at the bottom of each page. Clicking on this will take you to the next page. The form will remember information you have saved if you sign out or if you leave it open for an extended period.

 Your details

We will show you the information we hold about the organisation you selected when you signed into your DfE Sign-in account.

Submit your data for pupils in independent special schools

There are 2 sub-forms to complete if your organisation received NTP funding for pupils placed in ISSs. The service will show you the forms appropriate to your organisation to make up the full year-end statement.

When completing this section, you will need the following information:

  • your NTP allocation for pupils in ISSs
  • the total amount of NTP funding that you have transferred to ISSs
  • the names and unique identifiers of each ISS that you transferred funding to and how much you transferred to each school

You will also need to report the following information for any NTP funding spent centrally:

  • the total number of pupils who received NTP tutoring
  • your total spend for all the tuition routes including academic mentors, tuition partners and school-led tutoring
  • the total number of tutoring hours delivered

Submit your data for LAC

When completing this section, you will need the following information:

  • the total number of pupils who received NTP tutoring
  • your total spend for all the tuition routes including academic mentors, tuition partners and school-led tutoring
  • the total number of tutoring hours delivered

Your allocation

This page shows how much NTP funding your organisation received for LAC.

You can still submit your NTP year-end statement even if you think the funding details are incorrect.

Hourly rate of NTP

We calculate the average hourly cost of tutoring using your total spend divided by hours delivered. Your hourly rate is based on the information you provided. If the hourly rate does not look accurate you should check the figures you entered for spend and hours delivered and change them if necessary.

Declarations page

You must complete the declarations on each sub-form. You will not be able to submit your year-end statement without fully completing these sections.

Submission summary

You will see a summary page so that you can check your answers before submitting the form. You can change your answers using the ‘change’ link that appears next to each data entry.

You can also save this summary by clicking ‘save summary as PDF’ before you submit. Alternatively, you can download it by following the steps below.

  1. On the summary page, select ‘file’ and ‘print’. A new window will open.

  2. From the dropdown, select ‘save as PDF’.

  3. Click ‘save’.


The final page confirms your submission and shows a unique reference number. Make a note of your reference number as we will not include this information in your confirmation email.

We will email you to confirm we have received your submission.

 Amending your submission

You can make changes to the sub-forms and resubmit them until 2pm on Friday, 29 September 2023. To do this, you will need to log in and resubmit the form.

You cannot amend your submission after the submission deadline. We will use your latest submission as final.


If you experience any technical issues with the form, contact the ESFA Help Centre.

For any other tutoring queries, please see the NTP guidance for schools or email us at: