National Waste Programme Blueprint
The original version of this Blueprint defined the start state as 2008. This revised Blueprint for the National Waste Programme redefines the start state as 2020, recognising the revision of the UK LLW Strategy and the step change that has taken place in LLW management by the nuclear industry.
This Blueprint has been developed in collaboration with waste producers and other programme stakeholders. The future states described in this Blueprint will be achieved through the delivery of specific projects and activities through the Programme. It is a live document and will continue to evolve through the programme lifecycle.
The remainder of this Blueprint document is structured to provide:
- a high level summary of the start, interim and end states
- a detailed roadmap, providing the Processes, Organisation, Technology, Information (POTI) analysis for the 3 states
Find out more about the National Waste Programme that was established to implement the UK’s strategy for the management of solid low level radioactive waste (LLW) from the nuclear industry. It is an industry-wide collaboration led by LLWR on behalf of the NDA.