
Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project - Advice on working with public bodies in the infrastructure planning process Annexes

The planning process for dealing with proposals for NSIPs was established by the Planning Act 2008 (the PA2008).

Applies to England and Wales

Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects - Advice on working with public bodies in the infrastructure planning process: Annex A – Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru / Natural Resources Wales - GOV.UK

Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects - Advice on working with public bodies in the infrastructure planning process, Annex B: – Marine Management Organisation - GOV.UK

Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIP): Advice on working with public bodies in the infrastructure planning process, Annex C: Natural England and the Planning Inspectorate - GOV.UK

Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects - Advice on working with public bodies in the infrastructure planning process - Annex D: Environment Agency

Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects - Advice on working with public bodies in the infrastructure planning process, Annex G: The Health and Safety Executive - GOV.UK

Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects - Advice on working with public bodies in the infrastructure planning process - Annex E: Historic England

Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects - Advice on working with public bodies in the infrastructure planning process - Annex F: Nuclear Regulators

Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects - Advice on working with public bodies in the infrastructure planning process, Annex G: The Health and Safety Executive

Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects - Advice on working with public bodies in the infrastructure planning process, Annex H: Evidence Plans for Habitats Regulations Assessments of Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects

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Published 16 November 2012

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