Corporate report

Natural England financial scheme of delegation

Updated 3 February 2023

This corporate report was withdrawn on

This document has been superseded. If you need an up-to-date version contact

Applies to England


The purpose of this introduction is to help staff in their understanding of how expenditure has been delegated to them through the budget setting process. The Financial Scheme of Delegations covers all financial transactions or transactions which have monetary implications, for example loans, scheme payments.

The Board has delegated certain functions to the Chief Executive. The Chief Executive has, in turn, delegated some of those functions to officers of Natural England as set out in this Scheme of Delegation. The Scheme of Delegation provides authority for officers to operate. The Board expect us to adhere to these delegations. The delegations may be reviewed and changed by the Board at any time.

Programme, pay and non-pay budgets are allocated directly to teams. Following the allocation of the budget the team then has the authority to spend within the limits and under the authorities allowed by the Financial Scheme of Delegation.

We have included within the FSoD all of the spending controls which Cabinet Office have instructed should apply to all departments and Non-Departmental Public Bodies (NDPBs)

The Chief Executive has the power to grant or revoke financial delegations.

Natural England has transferred all of its Corporate Services functions (IT, Finance, HR, Procurement, Estates and Communications) and associated expertise to Defra employed staff who act as our business partners to assist us in making decisions. NE officers are expected to consult with Finance, HR, Estates, Commercial and IT business partners as appropriate in making decisions and we have sought to signpost this in the Scheme of Delegation. However ultimate responsibility and accountability for the financial decisions remain within Natural England. Where the Scheme of Delegation references Defra approval, this means the appropriate Officer under Defra delegations as appropriate to each specific case.

Before using the scheme, you must ensure that you have read and understood the principles in the guidance to Natural England’s Scheme of Delegation. We expect to achieve a high standard of compliance with our governance arrangements in Natural England and it is important that you have therefore both understood these principles and apply them consistently to every transaction.

Navroza Ladha
Chief Officer Legal, Governance and External Affairs

Spending controls

Cabinet Office spending controls require finance business partner and budget holder approval for:

a) any contract award, contract variation, memorandum of agreement, collaboration or partnership agreement, licence, or purchase order with a value of:

  • over £10,000 if the spend is not included in the business plan for a particular year
  • over £50,000 if the spend is included in the business plan (note in this instance the finance business partner must only be notified)

b) any identified spend irrespective of value on:

  • marketing advertising and communications
  • consultancy and professional services (this includes technical advice)
  • temporary staff, interns, contractors, and contingent labour.
  • ICT projects
  • (over £10,000 only) learning and development

Spending controls should be read in conjunction with Part E Procurement section of the Financial Scheme of Delegation and the intranet procurement guidance.

These controls are subject to relatively frequent change and it is good practice to refer to the guidance on the intranet for the up-to-date position.

Additional approvals for each category of spend may also be required by the Financial Scheme of Delegation.

Summary of key actions and processes

Advertising, marketing, and communications

Expenditure on essential activity only and all contracts where possible must be procured through approved frameworks and in consultation with your Finance Business Partner as noted above.

  • For spend less than £5k send details of the spend along with approval by budget holder in consultation with Director External Affairs to the Brand team to be logged for auditing/CO reporting purposes. Any concerns will be raised within 5 working days. You do not need to complete the exemption form for spend less than £5k.

  • For spend between £5k and £20k send a copy of the NE approved marketing exemption form and budget holder approval in consultation with Director External Affairs to the Brand Team and also to the NE External Comms Team. The Brand team will let you know within 5 to 10 working days if there are any concerns about the proposed spend.

  • For spend over £20k - send a copy of the NE approved marketing exemption form and budget holder and CEO approval to the Brand Team and also to the NE External Comms Team. The Brand team will let you know within 5 to 10 working days if there are any concerns about the proposed spend. The Brand team will then submit this to Defra spending controls for approval.

  • For spend over £100k - send a copy of the NE approved marketing exemption form and budget holder and CEO approval to the Brand Team and also the NE External Comms Team. The Brand team will let you know within 5 to 10 working days if there are any concerns about the proposed spend. The Brand team will then submit this to Defra spending controls for approval and work with you and Defra spending controls in the submission to Defra Ministers and Cabinet Office.

    In terms of scope, there is no requirement under the spending controls restriction to complete this process for venue bookings or caterings request, or for market research unless to inform a comms campaign.

Strategic supplier management and complex commercial models

Departments must ensure that any contact with strategic suppliers on negotiations or legal disputes is channelled through the Cabinet Office.

Digital and technology

Central government departments, agencies and NDPBs (Non-Departmental Public Body) must adhere to the government technology code of practice in respect of any technology spend, including securing Cabinet Office approval for spend above specific thresholds. Refer to the code and to the related Cabinet Office guidance on the ICT spending controls for full information.

Consultancy and professional services

For a definition of Consultancy and Professional Services spend please see this guidance document: Consultancy and professional services (C&PS) spend control

Legal spend and digital and data spend that meet the definitions for consultancy or professional services spend do not need to follow this Cabinet Office spending control provided they have followed the alternative assurance process for the spend.


CEO must approve all spend on consultancy contracts of less than 9 months duration, including any options for extension, and up to £49,999 including VAT. For values that exceed £49,999 including VAT and are less than 9 months in duration, Defra DG sponsor and the Defra Director of Network Corporate Services (NCS) must also approve the spend.

Consultancy contracts that are at least 9 months in duration, including any options for extension, and/or exceed £6,000 including VAT will require approval from the CEO, Director NCS, Defra Business Partner HR, Defra Business Partner Finance, and the Cabinet Office through the online C&PS (consultancy and professional services) case management system in consultation with Defra group Commercial colleagues.

Professional services:

Contracts of, or over, £120,000 inc VAT or at least 3 months in duration, but below £600,000 inc VAT or 9 months in duration (including any options for extensions),

Approval of the Chief Executive Officer and notification only to the Cabinet Office of the contracts approved in this way using the online portal (Cabinet Office approval not required).

Contracts of or above £600,000 or 9 months in duration (inc any options for extension): -

Chief Executive Officer and Cabinet Office approval obtained using the online portal.

Recruitment and temporary staff

The Cabinet Office introduced spending controls for contingent labour (CL) with effect from 1 October 2021.

Contingent labour generally means workers who join us through employment agencies, as contractors, for short term employment covering project or business as usual work, or to temporarily fill vacancies which have been difficult to fill or yet to be recruited to.

The spending levels at which contingent labour must be approved are:

  • charge rates >£1000 - Defra Contingent Labour team and Cabinet Office Controls team
  • charge rates from £750 to £999 - Chief Executive
  • bulk recruitments of £500k or more will require Cabinet Office approval

The contract lengths (regardless of charge rates) at which contingent labour must be approved are:

  • contract length > or = 18 months - Defra Contingent Labour team and Cabinet Office Controls team
  • contract length from 12 to <18 months - Chief Executive

(Chief Executive has delegated this authority to Chair of the Recruitment Exception Panel and the panel will scrutinise all contingent labour requests.)


Defra to agree any new leases, renewals of existing leases, the non-exercise of lease break options, any new property acquisitions (including those made through a PFI provider), new build development, sale and leaseback, and any freehold sales as part of national property controls.

The spending level at which exemption cases for marketing, advertising and communications are agreed are:

  • over £100,000 - Defra and Cabinet Office
  • up to £100,000 - Defra
  • up to £20,000 - Chief Executive

The spending level at which exemption cases (business exemption case eRAP request form) for consultancy up to 9 months are agreed are:

  • over £49,999 - Defra
  • up to £49,999 - Chief Executive

The spending level at which exemption cases for consultancy over 9 months are agreed are:

  • over £20,000 - Defra and Cabinet Office

All of the above in consultation with Finance Business Partner.

Part A: budgets

Reference A.1

  • approval of annual budget - Board
  • approval of draft annual budget - Chief Executive
  • approval of team performance indicators and accompanying indicative team budget - appropriate Chief Officer


1) Authorising transfers of sums within the overall team budget:

  • regardless of value - appropriate Director/ Area Manager or Head of in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade 7) (evidence of approval required only for those over £20,000)

Where proposed total virements from one budget type to another exceed 10% you must consult the Chief Executive.

2) Authorising transfers of sums between team budgets:

  • above £500,000 - Chief Executive in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant) (evidence of approval required)
  • up to £500,000 - appropriate Chief Officer in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant) (evidence of approval required)
  • up to £100,000 - appropriate Director / Area Manager or Head of in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade 7 or above) (evidence of approval required)

Part B: expenditure justification

B.1: approval to proceed for project and programme management

This is subject to:

The standard for programme and project management.

Project approvals need to follow the process below before committing any funds.

All change projects, and all new projects and programmes > 1 year must be presented to the NE Investment Committee regardless of value.

All Capital Expenditure regardless of value needs to go to either the Investment Committee or the Capital sub-group of Investment Committee.

All projects and programmes with whole life costs >£10m must be presented to the Defra Investment Committee.

All business cases that exceed either £100m whole life capital, £75m whole life revenue, or £50m per year must be referred to Treasury for approval in consultation with Defra Investment Committee.

Business cases of any value that are high risk, high complexity, novel or contentious; or require primary legislation must be referred to Treasury for approval.

Following approval of the project, all expenditure must follow the procurement processes outlined in Section E of this document.

  • Over £10.0m - Natural England Board and Defra Investment Committee (and Treasury if required)

  • Up to £10.0m - Chief Executive in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant) and Defra Group Commercial (Grade Senior Civil Servant)

  • Up to £1.0m - appropriate Chief Officer in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant) and Defra Group Commercial (Grade Senior Civil Servant)

  • Up to £500,000 - appropriate Director / Area Manager or Head of in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade 7 or above) and Defra Group Commercial (Grade 6)

B.2: approval to authorise additional expenditure for agreed programmes / projects

This is subject to:

a. the standard for programme and project management (see B.1)
b. submission to Defra Investment Committee if the increase brings new total cost above Natural England’s authorisation thresholds (Section B1 approval)  

Note: once authorised, approval to spend is subject to the procurement delegations within this FSoD:

  • over £500,000 - Chief Executive in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant)
  • up to £500,000 - appropriate Chief Officer in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade 6 or above)
  • up to £100,000 - appropriate Director / Area Manager or Head of in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade 7 or above)

B.3: other

Authority to:

a. approve justified expenditure from budgeted funds
b. approve payment

And subject to:

a. any contract being awarded on a competitive basis, or with prior single tender action approval
b. consultation with Defra Group Commercial staff if over £10k
c. FSoD delegations on contractual commitment in Section E
d. information systems acquisitions - Section P.2
e. spending controls approval if applicable

This section covers both programme/project and non-programme/project expenditure.

  • over £3m and up to £10m (£5m for ICT spend) - Chief Executive in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant)
  • up to £3m - appropriate Chief Officer in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant)
  • up to £500,000 - appropriate Directors / Area Manager or Head of in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade 6)
  • up to £100,000 - appropriate Team Managers/Principal Advisers in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade SEO or above)
  • up to £25,000 - appropriate Team Leaders/Senior Advisers
  • up to £2500 - default all staff

B.4: recharge costs

Approval of recharge costs for Defra Shared Service
Agreements and Genesis costs or other re-charges 

  • all - Chief Executive in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant)

B.5: authority to trade in Basic Payment Scheme entitlements

Disposal and acquisition (by lease, sale, or purchase) of Basic Payment entitlements:

  • over £50,000 - Chief Legal and Governance Officer in consultation with National Estates Adviser Natural England
  • up to £50,000 - National Estates Adviser Natural England

Part C: spending

C.1: approval to spend - government purchasing cards

Incur expenditure by purchasing cards subject to:  

a. competition having taken place over £2.5k or with prior single tender action approval (Section E.3)
b. consultation with Defra Group Commercial over £10k
c. controls over set-up and variations to purchasing card transaction limits
d. additional FSoD authorisation for individual transactions over generic £2.5k (per part E of the FSoD)

  • all - Director of Corporate Governance in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant)

C.2: approval of staff expenditure

a. travel and subsistence claim forms
b. assignment, disturbance and posting
c. claim forms
d. overtime, call out/standby claims
e. relocation claim forms
f. purchasing card expenditure (subject to C.1 limits)

Subject to spend being within authorised budgets:

  • Chair - signed off by Chair, Audit and Risk Assurance Committee
  • Deputy Chair - signed off by Chair
  • Chief Executive - signed off by Chair
  • Board members - signed off by Executive Office Director
  • Chief Officer - signed off by line manager
  • all other staff - signed off by line managers

Part D: grants

D.1: discretionary grants

For example, grants to non-governmental organisations. 

Authorise grant payments subject to and in accordance with: 

a. grant making powers in NERC Act 2006 
b. Finance Act 1996 for landfill contributions
c. government functional standard GovS 015: Grants
d. SoD guidance on grants
e. staff making commitment only through raising appropriate Oracle requisitions or with the approval and signature of any other contract documents by Defra Group Commercial
f. consultation with Legal regarding novel or contentious grants

  • over £10m requires Defra approval
  • up to £10,000,000 - Chief Executive in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant) and Defra Commercial SCS1 (Deputy Director)
  • up to £5,000,000 - Appropriate Chief Officer in consultation with Defra group Commercial G6 and with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant) 
  • up to £2,000,000 - Appropriate Chief Officer in consultation with Defra group Commercial G7 and with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade 7 or above)
  • up to £500,000 - Appropriate Director / Area Manager or Head of in consultation with Defra group Commercial SEO and with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade SEO or above)
  • up to £100,000 - Budget holder in consultation with SEO Defra group Commercial and with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade SEO or above) 
  • up to £10,000 - Budget holder in consultation with HEO Defra group Commercial

D.2: Heritage Management Plan grants

  • over £1,000,000 - Chief Executive in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant) 
  • up to £1,000,000 - Appropriate Chief Officer in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant) 
  • up to £250,000 - Appropriate Director / Area Manager or Head of in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade 7 or above) 
  • up to £50,000 - Appropriate Manager 
  • up to £10,000 - National Heritage Adviser


S.7 management agreements for NRA/CES/WES and Section 15

Subject to:

a. grant making powers in NERC Act 2006
b. power to enter into management agreements under NERC Act 2006
c. approval process for acquiring land as an NNR (National Nature Reserve) using a Nature Reserve Agreement in NFSoD (Non-Financial Scheme of Delegation) 

Authorisation/approval limits for new and renewal CES and CES/NRA agreements and for CES/NRA/ WES/Section 15 agreements for reviews, variations, novation’s, extensions, and release of all management agreements.

  • annual limit over £1 million and a total limit over £10 million - All subject to CES Panel approval, and Board and Defra 
  • annual limit up to £1 million and a total limit up to £10 million - Chief Executive in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant) 
  • annual limit up to £500,000 and a total limit of £2 million - Appropriate Chief Officer in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant) 
  • annual limit up to £150,000 and a total limit of £750,000 - Appropriate Area Manager or Head of in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade 6) 
  • annual limit up to £15,000 and a total limit of up to £75,000 – CES Panel 

D.3.2: signing Section 7 management agreements, including reviews variation, novation and release agreements by hand and in the absence of the seal (after authorisation in D.4.1) 

Signing deeds and agreements under seal for any management agreement and/or associated documents after authorisation in accordance with D.4.1

  • annual limit over £1 million and a total limit over £10 million - Board and Defra 
  • annual limit up to £1 million and a total limit up to £10 million - Chief Executive in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant) 
  • annual limit up to £500,000 and a total limit of £2 million Appropriate Chief Officer in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade 7 or above) 
  • annual limit up to £150,000 and a total limit of £750,000 - Appropriate Area Manager or Head of or Manager in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (G7 or above)
  • no limit - Appropriate Manager in consultation with Legal Services, and see Part 4 (Signing Deeds) of NFSoD

D.4: Countryside Stewardship and other RDPE schemes

For write off see Part M 

D.4.1: claims

Delegated authority levels for approving Countryside Stewardship and other RDPE schemes claims subject to: 

a. SoD guidance on grants
b. RDPE finance instructions

  • over £1m - appropriate Director in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade 6)
  • up to £1m - appropriate Manager 
  • up to £500,000 - appropriate Team Leader 
  • up to £250,000 - appropriate Adviser or Group Co-ordinator

D.5: approval to receive funds via a grant

Authority to: 

a. approve receipt of funds (for example from MoAs / partnership agreements / grants) (Note: this section does not cover receipt of statutory funding or EU rural payment scheme funding, disposal of assets or commercial activities on behalf of Natural England as these are covered elsewhere in this scheme) and subject to: 
b. compliance with Financial Memorandum or any equivalent governance documentation
c. consultation with Legal
d. consultation with Head of Funding Development and G7 Senior Finance Business Partner for external funding grant applications where NE commitment >£50k

  • over £3m - Chief Executive in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant) 
  • up to £3m - appropriate Chief Officer in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant) 
  • up to £500,000 - appropriate Director / Area Manager or Head of in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade 7 or above) 
  • up to £100,000 - appropriate Manager/Principal Specialist/ Principal Adviser 
  • up to £25,000 - appropriate Senior Adviser

D.6: farm advice framework

Programme RDPE Axis 1 funding ended 01/04/2021.

All FaLMA advice now offered using Exchequer funds. 

Approving financial commitments for contracts
Signing off claims:

  • over £250,000 - appropriate Director / Area Manager or Head of in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade 6) 
  • up to £250,000 - appropriate Senior Adviser and Principal Adviser
  • up to £100,000 - appropriate Lead Adviser 
  • up to £25,000 - appropriate Adviser 

D.7: Doorstep Greens and Millennium Greens

Overarching grant agreements between Natural England and the Big Lottery Fund (and their predecessor bodies) relating to the Doorstep Greens and Millennium Greens schemes

Grant agreements and ancillary documents relating to individual Millennium Greens and Doorstep Greens. Grant agreement and obligation management (for instance: amendments, recoveries, proceedings for breach, termination, approvals)

  • which require documentation to be entered into as a deed - Manager in consultation with Head of Legal Services
  • which do not require documentation to be entered into as a deed - Senior Adviser in consultation with Principal Adviser, Legal Services

Consideration must also be given as to whether Big Lottery Fund need to be consulted on a case-by-case basis.

D.8: The England Coast Path Establishment grant

Programme RDPE funding ended 01/01/2022.

All RDPE work now financed using Exchequer funds. 

Approvals for the introduction of a new scheme 

  • over £2m - appropriate Chief Officer in consultation with Head of Legal Services and Defra group Commercial (Grade 6)

Approval of individual transactions made under the scheme 

  • up to £2m - appropriate Manager in consultation with Finance Business Partner Grade 7 or above

Applications to amend agreements 

Approvals for the offering of individual agreements

  • up to £1m appropriate Team Leader 
  • up to £500,000 appropriate Lead Adviser / Group Co-ordinator 
  • up to £250,000 appropriate Adviser

Part E: procurement

N.B. This section is subject to spending controls 

E.1: framework agreements*

All forms of contract, including award letters to suppliers and contractors used to put in place framework agreements 

Non-standard contracts used to put in place framework agreements 

a. any framework agreements being awarded on a competitive basis (otherwise single tender action - Part E.3). Unless awarded under the terms of an existing framework agreement established for the purpose
b. consultation with Natural England’s Director, Legal Services and Finance Business Partner (Grade Senior Civil Servant) on non-standard framework conditions of contracts that contain novel or contentious clauses or terms
c. individual call-offs being approved as per E.2
d. Cabinet Office Efficiency and Reform Group referral where necessary - see guidance for more information 

  • over £2m - Chief Executive (over £5m or £10m in total is classified as significant commitment and requires Defra approval) in consultation with Defra group Commercial and Finance Business Partner (Grade Senior Civil Servant)

  • up to £2m - Chief Officer in consultation with Defra group Commercial
  • up to £500,000 - appropriate Director / Area Manager or Head of in consultation with Defra group Commercial
  • up to £250,000 – budget holder in consultation with Defra group Commercial
  • up to £100,000 – budget holder in consultation with Defra group Commercial

* Framework agreements are a general term for agreements with suppliers that set out terms and conditions (in particular price, appropriate quality standards and actual conditions of contract) under which specific purchases (call-offs) can be made throughout the term of the agreement. Such agreements set out the terms and conditions for subsequent call -offs but place no obligations, in themselves, on the procurers to buy anything. With this approach, contracts are formed only when goods, works and services are called under the agreement and these call offs will need to be approved as detailed in E.2

E.2.1: contractual commitment

Natural England is a central government authority for the purposes of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and accordingly, Cabinet Office guidance (PPN09/21 applies to Natural England’s contracts). Natural England must publish the following information on the Government Contracts Finder website:

  • live opportunities for all new contracts with an expected value of over £10,000 (VAT inclusive)
  • all awarded contracts with a value of over £10,000 (VAT inclusive)

Please note, that this does apply to call-offs from existing frameworks (award publication only)

For self-service procurement, the live opportunities and awarded contracts for contracts with a value of £10,000 (VAT inclusive) or more need to be published on Contracts Finder (CFS). For publication, please send your procurement requirements to

  1. All standard forms of contract including award letters to suppliers and contractors.
  2. Official purchase orders.
  3. National contracts.
  4. Call-offs from framework contracts.
  5. Non-standard contracts. 

And subject to: 

a. any contract being awarded on a competitive basis, otherwise single tender action - E.3. Unless awarded under the terms of an existing framework agreement established for the purpose
b. consultation with Grade 7 or above Defra group Commercial, on non-standard contracts that do not contain novel or contentious clauses or terms
c. consultation with Natural England’s Head of Legal Services and Finance Business Partner (Grade Senior Civil Servant) on non- standard contracts that contain novel or contentious clauses or terms
d. staff making contractual commitment only through raising appropriate Oracle requisitions unless explicitly included as part of a framework agreement call-off process or with the approval and signature of any other contract documents by Defra group Commercial
e. contracts let through existing frameworks should be let following the framework rules
f. contracts over the delegated threshold will have a contract award report completed by DgC (Defra group Commercial) signed off by an appropriate person to create a contractual commitment
g. all Capital Expenditure regardless of value needs to go to either the Investment Committee or the Capital sub-group of Investment Committee.

  • over £2m - Chief Executive (Over £5m or £10m in total is classified as significant commitment and requires Defra approval) in consultation with Defra group Commercial and Finance Business Partner (Grade Senior Civil Servant)
  • up to £2m - Chief Officer in consultation with Defra group Commercial
  • up to £500,000 - appropriate Director / Area Manager or Head of in consultation with Defra group Commercial  
  • up to £250,000 - budget holder in consultation with Defra group Commercial  
  • up to £50,000 - all staff with 3 written quotes by purchase order  provided this has the support of the Procurement Intelligent Customer Function and follows the interim process until MyBuy goes live
  • up to £5,000 - all staff with 1 quote by purchase order

E.2.1.a - memorandum of agreement / collaboration agreements / partnership agreements

Subject to:

a. consultation with Grade 7 or above Defra group Commercial, on non-standard agreements that do not contain novel or contentious clauses or terms
b. consultation with Natural England’s Head of Legal Services and Finance Business Partner (Grade Senior Civil Servant) on non-standard contracts that contain novel or contentious clauses or terms
c. staff making financial commitment only through raising appropriate Oracle requisitions with the Memorandum of Agreement/ Collaborative Agreement or Partnership Agreement as the only terms and conditions applicable.
d. signatures on non-monetary agreements e.g., MOUs/SLAs subject to Non-Financial delegation controls.
e. MoAs over the delegated threshold will have a contract award report completed by DgC signed off by an appropriate person to create a contractual commitment

  • over £2m - Chief Executive (Over £5m or £10m in total is classified as significant commitment and requires Defra approval) in consultation with Defra group Commercial and Finance Business Partner (Grade Senior Civil Servant)
  • up to £2m - Chief Officer in consultation with Defra group Commercial
  • up to £500,000 - Appropriate Director / Area Manager or Head of in consultation with Defra group Commercial  
  • up to £250,000 - Budget holder in consultation with Defra group Commercial
  • up to £50,000 - all staff with agreement attached to a purchase order provided this has the support of the Procurement Intelligent Customer Function and follows the interim process until MyBuy goes live

MoAs/ Collaborative Agreement and Partnership Agreements will no longer be treated as Single Tenders.

Budget holder and Director and Area Manager are the same people.

E.2.1.1: future year contractual commitments (a contract relating to the single financial year following the current financial year, excluding any expenditure going through the payroll system). All future year commitments must be recorded on the future commitment risk register by Finance.

(Including future-year commitments for externally funded projects)

  • above £750,000 - Chief Exec in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant) 
  • £250,000 - £750,000 - Chief Officer in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant) 
  • up to £250,000 - Appropriate Director in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade 6)
  • up to £100,000 - Appropriate Director and Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade 7)

E2.1.2: multi-year contractual commitments (a contract spanning more than one financial year, excluding any expenditure going through the payroll system). All multi-year commitments must be recorded on the future commitment risk register by Finance.

(Including multi-year commitments for externally funded projects)

  • above £250,000 - Chief Exec in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant)
  • up to £250,000 – Chief Officer in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade 6)
  • up to £50,000 - Appropriate Director and Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade 6)

E.2.2: licence to use third party products or services

  1. General licence agreements
  2. Licences with third parties for the acquisition of data 

Subject to: 

a. Grade 7 Defra group Commercial, in consultation with Head of Legal Services on Non-standard Contracts that do not contain novel or contentious clauses or terms
b. Grade 7 Defra group Commercial in consultation with Natural England’s Director Legal on Non-standard Contracts that contain novel or contentious clauses or terms. 

  • up to £2m - Chief Executive in consultation with Defra Group Commercial
  • up to £500,000 - Chief Executive in consultation with Defra Group Commercial 
  • zero value - Chief Executive in consultation with Defra Group Commercial in consultation with Legal if novel and contentious
    * over £100,000 - Head of Legal Services in consultation Defra group Commercial 
  • up to £100,000 - Grade 6 Defra group Commercial in consultation with Head of Legal Services
  • up to £50,000 - Grade 7 Defra group Commercial in consultation with Chief Legal and Governance Officer

E.3: single tender actions

  1. To authorise justified expenditure, on a single tender action basis, and subject to report to Defra for all contracts of £100,000
  2. Single tender actions to engage ex-employees, including Board members, within 2 years of Leaving Natural England require consultation with appropriate Director and Chief Officer responsible for HR/Finance and Procurement approval prior to commitment
  3. Subject to spending control requirements (see spending control section after Introduction) 

Note - once approved, the single tender action is subject to FSoD delegations in E.2 on Contractual Commitment 

The criteria for single tender to be considered are as follows:

  1. There is a definite threat to staff or public safety (emergency).
  2. They have the relevant methodology to complete an assignment previously let by competitive tender (compatibility).
  3. They are the only supplier with the expertise and/or equipment to complete the task (sole supplier).
  4. They hold sole access rights to intellectual or property rights (property rights).
  5. The contract relates to a performer or artist (performing artist).
  • over £111,000 - Chief Executive in consultation with Defra Group Commercial and Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant) 
  • up to £111,000 - appropriate Chief Officer in consultation with Grade 7 Defra group Commercial and Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade 7 or above)
  • up to £50,000 - appropriate Director or Area Team Manager in Consultation with Grade 7 Defra group Commercial and Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade 7 or above)
  • from £5,000 to £10,000 (below £5,000 one quote is acceptable and no STA (Single Tender Actions) approval is needed) - appropriate Director / Area Manager or Head of in consultation with Procurement Intelligent Customer Function (ICF)

Procurement Intelligent Customer Function (ICF) will maintain a record of STAs approved between £5K and £10K as required under the Natural England Framework with Defra and will provide this to Defra group Commercial quarterly.

E.4.1: variations to conditions of contract for contracts already awarded

  1. Variations to terms and conditions to contracts already awarded where the variation does not contain novel or contentious clauses or terms - contract owner in consultation with Grade 6 Defra group Commercial
  2. Variation to terms and conditions to contracts already awarded that contain novel or contentious clauses or terms - Grade 6 Defra group Commercial in consultation with Natural England Head of Legal Services

E.4.2: variations to contract commitment for contracts already awarded

a. for variations of less than 10% (goods and services) or 15% (works) of the total contract value
b. for variations of between 10% (good / services) or 15% (works) and 50% of the total contract value
c. for variations above 50% of the total contract value

  • over £1m - Head of Legal Services in consultation with Grade 7 Defra group Commercial and Defra Finance Business Partner (Grade Senior Civil Servant)
  • up to £1m - contract owner in consultation with Defra group Commercial Grade 7 and Defra Finance Business Partner (Grade Senior Civil Servant)
  • up to £500K - contract owner in consultation with Defra group Commercial Grade SEO and Defra Finance Business Partner (Grade 7 or above)
  • up to £100K - contract owner in consultation with Defra group Commercial HEO and Defra Finance Business Partner (Grade 7 or above)
  • up to £50K - contract owner in consultation with Defra group Commercial HEO 
  • all - Natural England Head of Legal Services in consultation with Head of Commercial (SCS), Defra group Commercial.

##Part F: disposals (non-land)

F.1: disposal of unwanted stores, plant, equipment, vehicles, and other assets after informing (if required) other business units of the availability of unwanted articles and consulting with Defra Business Partner Finance and Defra group Commercial on method of disposal. Subject to approval by Defra for: 

a. Any disposal with an expected value in excess of £1.0m 

Limits are stated in net book value or market value if known to be higher

  • over £1.0m - Board and Defra in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant) 
  • up to £1m - Chief Executive in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant) 
  • up to £250,000 - appropriate Director / Area Manager or Head of in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade 6) 
  • up to £10,000 - Managers or Senior Adviser Estate management NCS 
  • up to £5,000 - NNR Services team (for NNR-related disposals) 
  • up to £2,500 - Team Manager

Part G: charging by Natural England

G.1: charging policy for discretionary services

Discretionary services are those covered by the Secretary of State’s consent granted 29/6/2011 - see charging policy. 

  • approving revisions to Natural England’s Charging Policy (except revisions to exemption criteria or cost recovery rates) – Board and Defra
  • approving revisions to exemption criteria or cost recovery rates in Natural England’s charging policy - Chief Executive in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant) and commercial services 
  • the approval of non-standard insurance liability limits in our charging contracts - Chief Executive in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant) and commercial services  

G.2: charging schemes for discretionary services 

Note all new charging schemes require NE Investment Committee approval

  1. Approving introduction of charging schemes for discretionary services in significant risk/impact categories in accordance with Natural England’s charging policy - Board and Defra (with Treasury approval if novel or contentious)

 Significant risk/impact categories are: 

a. case specific discretionary advice in areas where we also perform a statutory/regulatory role in determining case outcomes (for example pre-application planning advice, pre-screening licence applications)
b. data licensing
c. new chargeable services projected to cost more than £1m pa to deliver 

  1. Approving introduction of charging schemes for discretionary services in accordance with Natural England’s charging policy (with the exception of significant risk/impact categories) - Chief Executive in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant)

  2. Approving exemption cases or variations from cost recovery rates, in accordance with Natural England’s charging policy - appropriate Director/Area Manager or Head of in consultation with Head of Funding Development and Defra Finance Business Partner (G7)

  3. Approval to amend the terms and conditions for discretionary services - appropriate Director in consultation with Head of Legal Services and Funding Development team

G.3: charging schemes for non-discretionary services

Note all new charging schemes require NE Investment Committee approval and may require Treasury approval

Approving introduction of charging schemes for non-discretionary services - Board and Defra

G.4: authorisation of chargeable services contracts 

Approval of contracts for services (for example advice or analysis) under established charging schemes using standard terms and conditions:

  • over £3m - Board in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant) 
  • up to £3m - appropriate Chief Officer in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant) 
  • up to £500,000 - appropriate Directors / Area Manager or Head of in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade 7 or above) 
  • up to £100,000 - appropriate Team Managers / Principal Advisers 
  • up to £25,000 - appropriate Team Leaders / Senior Advisers 
  • up to £5000 - default all staff

G.5: the approval of corporate sponsorship agreements.

The assessment of risk should be made using the method described in the Corporate Sponsorship Policy (approved by the Board on 20/01/19). 

All agreements which are assessed to be a higher reputational risk will require Board level approval regardless of value.

  • medium risk over £100k - Board and in consultation with Defra Finance Business Partner (Grade Senior Civil Servant)
  • medium risk £25k - £100k CEO in consultation with Head of Funding Development and Head of Legal Services and in consultation with Defra Finance Business Partner (Grade Senior Civil Servant)
  • medium risk up to £25k - Appropriate Area Manager or Head of or Director in consultation with Head of Funding Development and Head of Legal Services and in consultation with Defra Finance Business Partner (Grade Senior Civil Servant)

  • low risk £100K – £500k - CEO in consultation with Head of Funding Development and Head of Legal Services and in consultation with Defra Finance Business Partner (Grade 7)
  • low risk £25k - £100k - Area Manager or Head of or Director approval in consultation with Head of Funding Development and Head of Legal Services and in consultation with Defra Finance Business Partner (Grade 7)
  • low risk up to £25k - appropriate Manager or Principal Adviser in consultation with Head of Funding Development and Head of Legal Services and in consultation with Defra Finance Business Partner (Grade 7)


Approval of non-standard terms and conditions (note financial approval limits above also apply) - appropriate manager in consultation with Head of Legal Services and Funding Development team

G.6: district level licensing - authorisation of agreements relating to receipt of commuted funds including the Impact Assessment and Conservation Payment certificate.

  • it sets out NE’s charges for future services and therefore relates to the holding of funds for use beyond the current f/year
  • it has contractual effect between a developer and NE and creates future obligations on NE’s part
  • it is commercially significant, in that NE must ensure that the obligations it takes on will be funded by the money it receives
  • there is a statutory licensing element, in that the FCS test can only be properly met if the sum of money raised is enough to create and maintain the new habitat for 25 years.

  • over £3m - Chief Executive in consultation with Defra Finance Business Partner and Defra group Commercial (Grade Senior Civil Servant) 
  • up to £3m – appropriate Chief Officer in consultation with Defra Finance Business Partner and Defra Group Commercial (Grade Senior Civil Servant) 
  • Up to £1.5m – Head of NEWLS or Operations G6 in consultation with Defra Finance Business Partner (Specialist Income Team G7)
  • up to £500K – DLL G7 (in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Specialist Income Team Grade 7)) 
  • up to £100K – DLL G7
  • up to £25K – DLL Team Leader/Senior Adviser

Part H: commercial licences

H.1: Commercial licences issued by Natural England for the reuse of Natural England intellectual property

Commercial means: where there is a Director in direct generation of income by a third party resulting from the use of the licensed Intellectual Property.

Commercial organisations means: any party that is not a public sector body or a not-for-profit organisation

1) Granting licences for the reuse of Natural England data

a. standard OGI licence (non-royalty bearing) - Specified Officer in consultation Head of Legal Services and Grade 6 Defra Group Commercial

b. Non-standard non-royalty bearing licence - Specified Officer in consultation Head of Legal Services and Grade 6 Defra Group Commercial

c. royalty bearing licence for reuse of data which falls within scope of Public Data Corporation (refer to Defra Group Commercial lead, for guidance) - requires Board and Defra for charging scheme approval in accordance with Natural England Charging Policy (ref section G2.1.b)

2) Granting licences for the reuse of Natural England intellectual property (includes training material, publications, and images). Note for licences also including reuse of NE logo, brand or trademark see 3 below.

a. Royalty bearing standard Natural England IP (Intellectual Property) licences for use by commercial organisations, or for commercial use by any party

b. Royalty bearing non-standard licences for use by commercial organisations, or for commercial use by any party

c. Non-royalty bearing licences

  • Over £100,000 - Chief Officer in consultation with Head of Legal Services & Grade 6 Defra Group Commercial and Finance Business Partner (Grade Senior Civil Servant)
  • Up to £100,000 - Specified officer in consultation Head of Legal Services and Grade 6 Defra Group Commercial and Finance Business Partner (Grade 6)
  • Up to £50,000 - Specified Officer in consultation Head of Legal Services and Grade 7 Defra Group Commercial and Finance Business Partner (Grade 7)
  • Over £75,000 Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant) in consultation with Head of Legal Services and Grade 6 Defra Group Commercial
  • Up to £75,000 - Specified officer in consultation with Head of Legal Services and Grade 6 Defra Group Commercial
  • Up to £30,000 - Specified Officer in consultation with Head of Legal Services and Grade 7 Defra Group Commercial

3) Approval of intellectual property licences that enable the use of a Natural England logo, brand, or trademark:

a. Royalty-bearing licences

b. Non royalty bearing licences for use by commercial organisations, or for commercial use by any party

c. Non-royalty bearing licences for non-commercial use by public sector bodies or not for profit organisations

  • over £75,000 – appropriate Director  in consultation with Head of Legal Services and Defra Finance Business Partner (Grade Senior Civil Servant)
  • up to £75,000 - manager in consultation with Head of Legal Services and Grade 6 Defra group Commercial and Defra Finance Business Partner (Grade 7 or above)
  • up to £30,000 - Director Corporate Governance, following advice from the Head of Legal Services and the Head of Funding Development and Defra Finance Business Partner (Grade 7 or above)

4) Disputes - Appropriate Chief Officer in consultation with Head of Legal Services and Grade 6 Defra Group Commercial

Approval of the handling, and the terms, of any settlement arising from:

a. the infringement, or alleged infringement of Natural England’s intellectual property rights, or

b. the infringement, or alleged infringement, of a third party’s intellectual property rights by Natural England

H.2: commercial licences issued to Natural England

  1. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), commonly known as a drone

Registration and competency requirements for UAV operations

The registration and acknowledgement of competency in respect of the operation of UAV/UAS is required under legislation (retained EU law under Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/947). Articles 14 and 8 of the regulation set out registration and acknowledgments of competency, respectively.

  • approving registrations for operational authorisation of unmanned aircraft systems – Director of Analysis
  • renewal of approved registrations for operational authorisation of unmanned aircraft systems – Director of Analysis
  • approval of registrations for operator ID made to the Civil Aviation Authority – Director of Analysis
  • approval of registrations for flyer ID made to the Civil Aviation Authority – Director of Analysis

Part I: bank accounts

Opening and closing bank accounts - Head of Legal Services in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant)

Part J: borrowing powers / loans

J.1: exercising Natural England’s borrowing powers, subject to the prior approval of Defra and rules in managing public money - Board and Defra

J.2: introduction of Natural England loan scheme, subject to prior approval of Defra - Board and Defra 

Part K: insurances

K.1: arranging new insurances, subject to the prior authorisation of Defra - all - Head of Legal Services in consultation with Defra group Commercial according to requirements of Part E

K.2: authorising settlements on claims against Natural England’s motor insurance arrangements - all - Head of Legal Services in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant)

K.3: settling self-insured liability claims see section U1

Part L: financial irregularity

L.1: instigation of investigations into cases of financial irregularity, proven or suspected, and report to the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee - Head of Legal Services in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant)

L.2: annual report of cases of financial irregularity, proven or suspected, to Defra - all cases - Head of Legal Services in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant)  

Part M: write offs

M.1: individual write-offs of debts, stock, and other assets (including equipment, plant, and motor vehicles) subject to obtaining the prior approval of Defra above £100k

  • over £100,000 - Board and Defra 
  • up to £100,000 - Chief Executive in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant) 
  • up to £50,000 - Head of Legal Services in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant) 
  • up to £20,000 - appropriate Director or Area Manager in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance grade 7 or above 

Any write-off that could be considered potentially ‘novel or contentious’ or repercussive must go to Chief Legal and Governance Officer. Natural England staff do not have the authority to authorise write-offs of England Rural Development Programme/England Rural Development Programme (ERDP/RDPE) funds. Write-off requests raised by Natural England should be recommended at least Team Leader level and forwarded to the Rural Payment Agency’s (RPA’s) Rural Development Scheme Management Unit for assessment and authorisation by RPA, asset out in the finance instructions.

Part N: gifts

N.1: individual gifts subject to obtaining the prior authorisation of Defra for gifts exceeding £10,000

Gifts are transactions of a type which are subject to a greater degree of control since the giving of gifts by a public body at taxpayers’ expense is a very sensitive issue - see the regularity and propriety guidance for further clarification.

Maximum value of gifts are:

  • stores and official property £10,000pa
  • to visiting dignitaries £500pa
  • rewards; such as for return of stolen property £5,000

  • over £10,000 - Natural England Board and Defra 
  • over £500 - Chief Executive in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant) 
  • over £250 - Head of Legal Services in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant) 
  • up to £250 - appropriate Director or Area Team Managers in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade 6)

Part O: financial systems

O: specification of financial systems   NA - Chief Executive in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant)

Part P: information systems

P.1: to authorise IS projects, which are classified as, but not restricted to:

a. acquisition of hardware
b. acquisition of proprietary package software
c. development of new software 

Subject to: 

d. Defra approval for projects estimated to cost £5m or over
e. budget approval verified by Finance

  • over £5m - Board and Defra in consultation with Defra Group Commercial
  • up to £5m - Chief Executive in consultation with Defra Group Commercial 
  • up to £3m - Appropriate Chief Officer in consultation with Defra Group Commercial
  • up to£2m - Appropriate Director in consultation with Defra Group Commercial

P.2: approve justified IS expenditure from budgeted funds

Subject to: 

a. any contract being awarded on a competitive basis, or with prior single tender action approval
b. Cabinet Office Efficiency and Reform Group ICT and other relevant restrictions

  • over £2m - Chief Executive in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant) 
  • over £500,000 - appropriate Chief Officer in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant) 
  • up to £500,000 - appropriate Director in consultation with Defra Group Commercial and in consultation with Defra Finance Business Partner (Grade 7)
  • under £100,000 - appropriate Director in consultation with Defra group Commercial and in consultation with Defra Finance Business Partner (Grade SEO)

Part Q: emergencies


  • authorisation to activate Part Q of FSoD in response to an external emergency - Chief Executive in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant) 
  • authorisation to activate Part Q of FSoD in response to an internal emergency - appropriate Chief Officer in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant) 

Q.2: approval to spend and make contractual commitment on expenditure to deal with emergencies

Subject to: 

a. retrospective authorisation of emergency expenditure incurred on a single tender action basis as per limits specified in section E.3 

*As necessary - appropriate Chief Officers / Directors or Area Team Managers 

Part R: overseas visits

Approving visits overseas for officers engaged on activities for Natural England: 

  • overseas visits by Chief Executive - Chair
  • overseas visits by Chief Officers - Chief Executive in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant) 
  • overseas visits by Directors / Area Managers or Heads of - appropriate Chief Officer in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant) 
  • overseas visits by other staff - appropriate Director or Area Managers or Heads of in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade 7)

Part S: land and National Nature Reserves (NNRs)

Note: land work requires the use of the services of Defra Estates division, where appropriate, and acting in accordance with the advice of suitably qualified private sector valuers as recognised by the RICS, or from a list of Defra/OGC Framework contractors, or the District Valuer in connection with transactions involving the sale, purchase, leasing or renting of land or property or associated rights.

S.1: authorise and approve terms for the disposal of Natural England owned land and associated buildings, or an interest there in and subject to:

a. the prior approval of Defra for any disposal exceeding £1m
b. for any heritage asset (not valued on Natural England’s balance sheet) Natural England must:

  1. obtain professional advice as to the open value of the asset
  2. document the justification for the method of disposal chosen or accepting less than market value
  3. seek approval of Defra where any discount exceeds £350,000 for sales or £75,000 annually for leases
  • market value in excess of £1m or heritage asset where discount exceeds £350,000 for sales or £75,000 annually for leases - Natural England Board and Defra 
  • market value in up to £1m or heritage asset where discount up to £350,000 for sales or £75,000 annually for leases - Chief Executive in consultation with Defra Finance Business Partner (Grade Senior Civil Servant)
  • market value up to £500,000 - appropriate Director in consultation with National Land Agent, NNR National team  in consultation with Defra Finance Business Partner (Grade 6)
  • market value of a heritage asset up to £500,000 and with no discount - National Land Agent, NNR National team in consultation with Defra Finance Business Partner (Grade 6)

S.2: acquiring land through purchase or lease of land or an interest therein

Subject to: 

a. approval from Defra’s Estates Division for minor works and building projects (other than the NNR estate) over £500,000
b. section B approval 

  • with NE’s contribution to the transaction value up to £5m for purchases or £500,000 annually for leases/interests - Chief Executive in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant) 
  • with NE’s contribution to the transaction value up to £1m for purchases or £200,000 annually for leases /interests - Director Operations in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade 6) 
  • with NE’s contribution to the transaction of up to £250,000 annually - appropriate Area Manager in consultation with National Land Agent  in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade 7) 
  • lease of land or an interest therein of up to £100,000 - appropriate Manager in Area Team in consultation with National Land Agent  in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade 7) 
  • lease of land or an interest therein of up to £25,000 annually - appropriate Team Leader in Area Team in consultation with National Land Agent in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade SEO) 

S.3: operating leases

a. granting, terminating and varying leases or interests to third parties for Natural England owned land, buildings, and structures.
b. terminating and varying leases or interests, including sub-letting, of land, buildings and structures owned by third parties.

  • with a transaction value over £25,000 annually for leases / interests - appropriate Area Manager in consultation with National Land Agent, NNR National team 
  • with a transaction up to £25,000 annually for leases / interests - appropriate Manager in Area Team in consultation with National Land Agent, NNR National team 
  • over £25,000 annually - Area Manager in consultation with National Land Agent 
  • up to £25,000 annually - appropriate Manager in Area Team in consultation with National Land Agent
  • all of the above require consultation with Defra Finance Business Partner (Grade 7)

S.4: rent or payment reviews

Rent or payment reviews in accordance with the provisions of a lease, interest or right granted to or by Natural England 

  • over £25,000 annually - appropriate Area Manager in consultation with National Land Agent, NNR National team 
  • up to £25,000 annually or more than 10 years remaining National Land Agent, NNR National team 
  • up to £10,000 annually with up to 10 years remaining National Land Agent NNR National team 

S.5: rights

Granting, taking, and varying rights associated with land and property including, for example, grazing licences to occupy.

  • up to £25,000 annually, or for over 10 years - National Land Agent NNR National team 
  • up to £10,000 annually and for up to 10 years – National Land Agent, NNR National teams

Subject to: 

a. the prior approval of Defra for any disposal exceeding £1m
b. for any heritage asset (not valued on Natural England’s balance sheet) Natural England must: 

  1. obtain professional advice as to the open value of the asset
  2. document the justification for the method of disposal chosen or accepting less than market value in consultation with Defra Finance Business Partner (Grade 7)
  3. seek approval of Defra where any discount exceeds £350,000 for sales or £75,000 annually

Part T: coastal access

T.1: approval to spend - each proposal in accordance with s.55A National Parks and Countryside Act 1949 (as inserted by the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009)

  • over £500,000 - appropriate Chief Officer in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant) 
  • up to £500,000 - appropriate Director or Area Manager in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade 7) 
  • up to £100,000 - appropriate Principal Adviser in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade SEO) 

T.2: approval to spend- costs in preparation for each s.55A proposal

  • up to £500,000 - appropriate Director in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade 7) 
  • up to £100,000 - appropriate Principal Adviser in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade SEO) 

Part U: compensation claims, special payments  

  • up to £10000 - Head of Legal Services in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant)

Accidental damage to property caused by bat volunteer damage:

  • where the claim is less than £500 - volunteer specialist in consultation with Head of Legal Services and Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant)

U.2: compensation payments under s 28 M of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended)

  • all cases of compensation are controversial:
  • over £250,000 - Chief Executive in consultation Head of Legal Services and Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant)
  • up to £250,000 - appropriate Chief Officer in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant) and Head of Legal Services
  • in all cases where there is a dispute over the amount or nature of the compensation payment Chief Executive in consultation Head of Legal Services and Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant)

U.3: consolatory payments

Defined as ex gratia payments made to individuals by organisations in respect of incidents which do not involve financial loss, such as stress, inconvenience, embarrassment. Consolatory payments above £500 must go to HM Treasury.

  • over £500 - HM Treasury for approval.

U.4: special severance payments:

  • HM Treasury for approval

Any payment in addition to or in excess of contractual terms that is designed to terminate employment, ‘always requires HMT approval.’

Part V: corporate membership of other bodies

Approving applications for Natural England’s corporate membership of other bodies

  • over £1,500 - Chief Executive in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade Senior Civil Servant)

Renewing of approved corporate membership

  • up to £1,500 - appropriate Director in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade 7)

Memberships of other bodies

  • all cases - appropriate Director or Area Manager in consultation with Defra Business Partner Finance (Grade 7)

Part W: approval of corporate planning documents and annual accounts

  • delivery framework - Board
  • corporate plan - Board and Minister
  • annual report and accounts - Board and Minister

Part X: governance

  • endorsement of any expenditure that requires Defra approval – Board