30by30 pilots privacy notice
Updated 27 March 2025
Applies to England
30by30 is a government commitment to protect 30% of land and sea for nature by 2030. Part of this requires collecting information for the areas that will contribute towards the target in order to report on them.
Natural England and Defra are undertaking a 6 month pilot with external stakeholders. The data collected via this piloting project will support the testing and development of the 30by30 assessment process. Not all areas taken through the pilots will ultimately contribute to 30by30 reporting. Those areas that are identified and assessed as meeting the 30by30 criteria will be resubmitted through the live ‘Assessment Process’ once this is established.
1. Who collects your personal data
The data controller is Natural England at:
Foss House
Kings Pool
1-2 Peasholme Green
Y01 7PX
Send questions about how Natural England uses your personal data and your associated rights to the Natural England Data Protection Manager at foi@naturalengland.org.uk or:
Natural England
County Hall
Spetchley Road
The Data Protection Officer for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) group is responsible for checking that Natural England complies with legislation. You can contact them at DefraGroupDataProtectionOfficer@defra.gov.uk or:
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
SW Quarter
2nd floor
Seacole Block
2 Marsham Street
2. What personal data’s collected and how it’s used
2.1 Name of the area of land/unique identifier
This is required to identify all the areas that are submitted to 30by30 piloting for the purpose of internal reporting and analysis, and will allow Defra Group to conduct follow up reviews and monitoring.
2.2 Name of organisation/group/individual completing the application
This will allow us to understand who is contributing towards 30by30 piloting, and if necessary will be used to contact you for further review/request for the provision of evidence.
2.3 Contact details such as email or postal address
This will allow us to contact you, provide confirmation of receipt, provide any updates, ask for additional information if necessary. Where possible, we would ask that this is likely a corporate/ shared email to minimise future access issues if an individual leaves the organisation.
2.4 Spatial data of area being assessed
This will will be used to record and analyse the areas which have been submitted to 30by30 piloting for our records and testing of the developing recording systems.
3. The legal basis for processing your personal data
This data will be processed as part of a Public Task. This is necessary for the performance of Defra’s non-statutory commitment to report progress towards the international 30by30 target, which is Target 3 of the Convention for Biological Diversity’s Global Biodiversity Framework. This requires collecting relevant data from the land owners/managers who areas are contributing towards the commitment.
4. Consent to process your personal data
You can withdraw consent for your personal information submitted through the pilot to be stored and processed up to 31 December 2025 by emailing 30by30onland@defra.gov.uk
5. Who Natural England shares your personal data with
Natural England may share the personal data collected under this privacy notice with the following Defra group members:
- Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs
- Forestry Commission
- Rural Payments Agency
- Environment Agency
- Joint Nature Conservation Committee
- Marine Management Organisation
The personal data provided may be shared for the purpose of internal reporting on the development and piloting of the 30by30 Assessment and Reporting Tool.
Natural England respects your personal privacy when responding to access to information requests. We only share information when necessary to meet the statutory requirements of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
6. How long Natural England holds personal data
Natural England will keep your personal data for 3 years after the end of the 30by30 piloting project.
7. What happens if you do not provide the data requested
If you do not provide the data Natural England will not be able to use your potential 30by30 area in the 30by30 piloting process.
8. Use of automated decision-making or profiling
The information you provide is not used for:
- automated decision making (making a decision by automated means without any human involvement)
- profiling (automated processing of personal data to evaluate certain things about an individual)
9. Transfer of data outside the UK
Natural England will only transfer your data to another country that is deemed adequate for data protection purposes.
10. Your rights
Find out about your individual rights under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018).
11. Complaints
You have the right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office at any time.
12. Natural England’s personal information charter
Natural England’s personal information charter explains more about your rights over your personal data.