Annexe A: Key findings - the unique and overlapping experiences of Civil Service learners
Published 30 January 2025
1. Introducing the themes
The analysis of personal experiences with the Civil Services skills system has emphasised multiple unique features of each personal journey. At the same time, it also highlighted some of the common elements. Some of these are presented in this section.
The insights are arranged in six overarching themes:
1.1 Touchpoints and accessibility
This sub-section explores how learners access the L&D offer and what hampers their access.
1.2 Diverse motivators
This sub-section unpacks a variety of drivers that motivate learners to undertake L&D opportunities.
1.3 Making an impact
This sub-section is about the direct, and indirect, impact that completing L&D has on learners’ career journeys and lives more broadly.
1.4 Interacting with the offer
This sub-section looks at what makes or breaks learners’ experience of undertaking L&D.
1.5 Catering for individual journeys
This sub-section looks at how L&D currently works around learners’ specific and individual needs and circumstances.
1.6 Shifting realities
This sub-section focuses on the role of L&D in light of shifting realities of hybrid and remote working.
2. Touchpoints and accessibility
2.1 Different routes
Participants report various routes and touchpoints into finding out about learning and development opportunities within departments and the Civil Service more broadly. These include formal departmental channels, such as the intranet, internal emails and Teams channels, as well as less formal routes, such as mentor’s recommendations, teammates or staff networks.
2.2 Building networks
For many, access to L&D involves deliberate efforts to build their networks in order to learn about and access L&D opportunities. For one participant in a higher grade there was some surprise that this would not be seen as something a person does for themselves.
2.3 Gatekeepers
Accessibility of learning and development opportunities depend greatly on various gatekeepers, who can either accelerate learning opportunities or hamper them. These gatekeepers are normally individuals in the learner’s line management chain.
2.4 Unequal access
Participants report unequal access to learning and development opportunities. This can be due to lack of awareness of learning and development rights; lack of support; time and flexibility to attend them; or other factors, such as a grade restriction.
2.5 Little place for diversity
Several participants pointed out that the training offer often appears to be geared towards a ‘classic civil servant’ profile: a white middle-class individual in a full-time employment. Perceptions of not fitting in – for example due to their accent or race – was deemed a barrier for accessing training, whilst working part-time often meant that accessing training during the weekends, evenings or even annual leave.
3. Diverse motivators
3.1 Gaining qualification
Gaining qualifications – whether via apprenticeship schemes or professional masters courses - was mentioned as a key motivator several participants, particularly younger participants at the start of their careers and those looking to alter the trajectory of their career pathways, for example after a period of inactivity (e.g. maternity leave) or in hope of shifting sectors.
3.2 Building a skillset
A common, and perhaps the most predictable, motivator for undertaking training opportunities was linked to building a new skillset to improve performance and the ability to do one’s job better. These would include job-specific content (e.g. making videos, writing policy briefings) as well as building broader transferrable skills (e.g. managing difficult conversations, public speaking).
3.3 Intellectual curiousity
Many participants talked about curiosity and the appetite to learn something new being an important driver. Those participants did not necessarily go for learning opportunities directly linked to their roles and careers, but instead opted for interesting content regardless of its applicability to day-to-day work contexts (e.g. a sign language course, awareness trainings etc.).
3.4 Social motivators
A large proportion of participants quoted social motivations for undertaking training. Connecting to likeminded individuals, building networks, teambuilding and fighting isolation and loneliness all played a part in participants’ reasons for turning to L&D opportunities. Feeling disconnected and seeking to belong were strong sentiments expressed by hybrid/remote workers.
3.5 Longings for a better future
Many participants expressed longings for a better future, and saw L&D as a major vehicle for attaining that. For example, we heard from participants who were looking to upskill in order to progress to a higher grade and be able to buy a property. We also heard from those who wanted to improve their skills in order to be better at improving policies and services, and in turn people’s lives.
4. Making an impact
4.1 Securing a new job
A tangible impact of taking up new learning and development opportunities is, according to several participants, securing a new job, either in the field closer to their interests or a promotion. This is particularly true for a more structured offer.
4.2 Doing the job well
Most participants spoke about the importance of undertaking L&D for the ability to do their jobs well. This particularly resonated with those participants who undertook courses or training on very specific skills, such as drafting skills, editing videos, or managing difficult conversations.
4.3 A personal impact
Some participants talked about a personal impact. This included enhancing confidence, fighting imposter syndrome, creating the feeling of pride, or even being a positive role model for their children.
4.4 Finding inspiration
Several participants spoke about the potential of L&D to be inspirational, motivating or even ‘transformational’. We have heard of courses that helped participants explore new subjects, skillsets and broader career possibilities.
4.5 A reason to stay in the job
Two participants talked about L&D keeping them going whilst the things were really difficult at work and at home. They said that they might have left a job and the Civil Service, if it wasn’t for the existence of talks, trainings and other L&D activities such as the networks that kept them inspired and engaged.
5. Interacting with the offer
5.1 Box-ticking learning
Many participants pointed out the box-ticking nature of some of the training, in particular the mandatory training and the induction L&D activities. Whilst recognising such content is important, some participants found that not making it more engaging and timely misses an opportunity to present learning in a more inspiring way.
5.2 One size fits all
In terms of content, participants commonly explained about the hit and miss nature of not only the quality but a general level of suitability for individual learners. Some participants found that training courses were too watered down and basic in order to appeal to the widest audience.
5.3 Length of L&D sessions
In terms of length, participants held different views: whilst some mentioned their preference for shorter content, such as bitesize trainings that can easily fit around busy schedules, there was also appetite for longer sessions that can be more meaningful.
5.4 Applied learning
In terms of delivery, most participants mentioned the importance of marrying theory with applied learning, be it in the form of examples, personal anecdotes, stories of impact or hands on exercises during the training itself.
5.5 Structures programmes
Several participants mentioned the benefits of various structured programmes which guide the learners through a curated learning experience over the course of a week (policy schools), months (pathways for progression, leadership trainings) or even longer (apprenticeship, Fast Stream).
6. Catering for individual journeys
6.1 Being seen as an individual
What several participants highlighted over and over again was the importance of being seen, recognised and celebrated as an individual, and having a learning and development offer matching their unique career and persona.
6.2 Finding suitable content
We heard about very different, and often opposing, preferences regarding the formats, content and delivery of L&D offer. Having options is essential but participants often struggle to navigate the system in order to identify and search for the content that works for their specific needs and preferences.
6.3 Dealing with external pressures
All participants spoke about aspects of their life outside the workplace. Whether it is participants’ caring responsibilities, struggles to secure a mortgage, or bereavement, civil service learners experience various external pressures which will impact their interactions with the L&D offer. They might struggle to find the time and the energy; they might be lacking motivation; or they might be seeking a grain of inspiration.
6.4 Long-term planning and integration
No one L&D journey is the same and no journey is linear. Not only do learning trajectories vary between participants, but they also shift and change during one participant’s career journey. Some participants spoke about their desire for a long-term and interconnected L&D offer.
7. Shifting realities
7.1 Unwritten codes
Navigating unwritten codes was alluded to by several participants, as an experience shared particularly at the onset of life in CS but also in moments of transition - for example changing grade, or moving departments where cultures may differ. This is mostly done informally, and remote workers often report struggling to find their feet.
7.2 Navigating change
The move towards hybrid working and teams being spread across different locations have changed the way that information is exchanged relationally. Whilst some new recruits were able to shadow colleagues or speak frequently with their team, for others changes felt difficult because there was little support and knowledge exchange.
7.3 Pastoral care
Especially in light of changing realities, many participants spoke about mental health struggles and isolation. Failings of pastoral care were experienced as extremely painful. Accessing wellbeing L&D content seemed to make a difference to participants’ working lives.