NDA draft Strategy: integrated impact assessment (IIA)
This IIA identifies potential environmental, socio-economic and health impacts associated with activities across the NDA estate as outlined in the draft strategy.
On 1 April 2016, we published the NDA Strategy: integrated impact assessment (IIA) and post adoption statement.
The Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) of NDA’s draft strategy for consultation builds on the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) conducted for our previous Strategy.
The IIA Report is being published alongside this draft strategy for consultation. Feedback received from consultees in relation to the IIA will be documented and considered, with a Post Adoption Statement produced to highlight how any recommendations of the IIA and issues identified in the consultation have helped to influence this Strategy.
We will use the methodology of the assessment to inform future selection of strategic options by incorporating it into our Value Framework. The individual environmental, socio-economic and health topics considered in the IIA will assist in assessing strategic options, and identifying potential impacts associated with activities across the NDA estate.
The IIA was produced in accordance with the SEA Directive (2001/42/EC) and transposing UK regulations (Statutory Instrument 1633, 2004). It comprises a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), Health Impact Assessment (HIA) and Socio-economic Impact Assessment (SeIA). Each assessment was completed by relevant specialists, with ongoing dialogue to ensure consistency and effective information sharing across them. The results of the environmental and socio-economic assessments were used to inform the HIA.
A scoping workshop with representatives from statutory consultees, such as the Environment Agency and Natural England, and other key stakeholders including the Office for Nuclear Regulation, helped to develop the scope of the IIA. At the workshop we presented the proposed methodology, noting differences with the SEA of the previous version of our Strategy and sought feedback on the approach being taken, with particular focus on the questions used to guide the assessment. These questions covered a range of topics in the SEA, HIA and SeIA.
As described in this Strategy, we group our activities into 5 strategic themes. The IIA is structured to reflect this by assessing the overarching strategic options for:
- Site Decommissioning and Remediation
- Spent Fuels
- Nuclear Materials
- Integrated Waste Management
We welcome any comments or queries on this IIA. Please email draftstrategy@nda.gov.uk