NDA Programmes and Major Projects Report: Pilot 3 (Jan 2015)
This is the third report of progress on the NDA’s priority projects.
There are many projects of varying magnitude underway across the NDA’s sites. Given the complexity and interdependency of some of these projects, they are grouped together into distinct programmes. The most significant of these programmes and projects, either by value or importance, are identified as Priority Programmes and Major Projects. This report provides a high level overview of Priority Programmes and Major Projects.
For each programme, the report reflects progress measured against a performance baseline derived from the Lifetime Plan (LTP) for each site or contract. The performance baseline is expressed in terms of a target cost range for most programmes, reflecting the inherent uncertainty in delivery of complex programmes over a long timescale. Where a specific “target cost” or schedule is specified this represents a “P50” target, i.e. a 50:50 probability of delivery above or below the stated target schedule and cost. All costs are given in current money values.
Livelink ref: 22877137