
Netherlands: funeral directors

Updated 11 June 2021


The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) provides lists of service providers for information only, to assist British nationals who may need support overseas. This list is not exhaustive, and is subject to change at any time. None of the service providers are endorsed or recommended by the FCDO. You should research whether a service provider will be suitable. The FCDO does not accept any liability arising to any person for any loss or damage suffered through using these service providers or this information.

List of funeral directors in the Netherlands

Association for certified members of funeral directors, Branchevereniging Gecertificeerde Nederlandse Uitvaartondernemingen

Region Name Address Telephone Email Regions served English speaking staff Local services available International repatriation Affiliation
AMSTERDAM UITVAARTCENTRUM (ZUID) Fred. Roeskestraat 91, 1076 EC Amsterdam + 31 20 646 0606; 24 hour Telephone number: +31 20 646 0606 offices throughout the Netherlands English speaking staff; also speak German and Spanish     member of BGNU
AMSTERDAM UITVAARTCENTRUM Amsterdam - Uitvaartverzorging de Jong Cliostraat 42, 1077 KJ Amsterdam + 31 20 676 1337, 24 hour Telephone number: + 31 20 676 1337 office in Amsterdam English speaking staff   experience in arranging international repatriation member of BGNU
AMSTERDAM Team bijzondere Uitvaarten - MONUTA   Tel: 0031 55 527 42 77, 24 hour Telephone number: 0031 55 527 42 77 Operate throughout the Netherlands and internationally English speaking staff   Specialized in international repatriation service Member of BGNU
APPELDOORN MONUTA Schumanpark 11, 7336 AM Apeldoorn Monuta Repatriation Service Centre: Tel: 0031 55 539 1150, 24 hour Telephone number: 0800 23 0550 or +31 55 539 1150 outside Netherlands   offices throughout the Netherlands English speaking staff   International Repatriation Service member of BGNU
HILVERSUM VAN DER HEDEN IRU BV (International Funeral & Repatriation Directors) Melkpad 21a, 1217 KA Hilversum, the Netherlands +31 35 6217862   Staff speak English, German, French, Spanish, Polish and Russian   repatriation of deceased or cremains from out of Holland affiliated to Fiat-Ifta, MBIE
ROTTERDAM GOETZEE DELA ROTTERDAM Boezemsingel 35, 3034 EC, Rotterdam Tel: +31 10 280 5280, 24 hour Telephone number : 0800 955 6655 offices throughout the Netherlands some English speaking staff     member of BGNU
THE HAGUE MONUTA Laan van Eik en Duinen 38, 2564 GT Den Haag Tel: 0031 70 360 3905, 24 hour contact number Tel: 0031 70 360 3905 offices throughout the Netherlands       member of BGNU

If you decide to use any of the service providers on this list, we would like to hear from you. While there is no obligation on your part to provide feedback on the services you receive, any feedback you can give us is helpful. You can send feedback by email to, including the country and name of the list in your email. Or contact us below: