
New Farm Produce Limited: applications made to abstract water

Published 5 July 2024

Applies to England

Details of the application

New Farm Produce Limited has applied to the Environment Agency for two licences.

The Environment Agency is giving notice of these applications in accordance with Section 37 of the Water Resources Act 1991 and Regulation 6 of the Water Resources (Abstraction and Impounding) Regulations 2006.

The applications are to vary licence serial numbers MD/028/0007/018 and MD/028/0007/014 which authorise the abstraction of water from Staffordshire Trent Valley – Mercia Mudstone East & Coal Measures at National Grid References: SK 09887 14599, SK 09430 14533, SK 11143 12839 and SK 10753 13321.

The variation applied for is: To update the borehole sources included under licence MD/028/0007/018 and add an aggregate annual volume condition with licence MD/028/0007/014.

How to view the applications

Please contact us via e-mail or use the number below to arrange to see the application documents.

How to comment on the applications

Send any representation about these applications by email, quoting the name of the applicant and reference number NPS/WR/040830 and NPS/WR/042375 to the Environment Agency by email to:

By 02 August 2024.

For advice about how to make a representation call 03708 506 506.