Circular 003/2013: new government domestic violence and abuse definition
New government domestic violence and abuse definition.
- broad subject: Crime and Disorder
- issue date: 14 February 2013
- from: Crime and Policing Group (CPG) - Crime Directorate, Violent Crime Unit (VCU)
- sub category: Domestic violence
- implementation date: 14 February 2013
- for more info contact: Hannah Buckley
Addressed to:
- Chief Constables England and Wales Association of Magisterial Officers
- The Justice Clerks Society
- The Magistrates Association
- Senior Presiding Judge for England and Wales Presiding Judges High Court Judges Crown Court Judges Resident Judges District Judges (Magistrates’ Courts) Ministry of Justice
- Police and Crime Commissioners
- Chief of Probation
- Chief Crown Prosecutors CPS
- Youth Offending Teams
- Association of Chief Police Officers
- College of Policing
- Local Government Association
- Chief Executives of Local Authorities
- Association of Directors of Children’s Services
- Local Safeguarding Children Boards