S4N: what to do if it's unavailable
Updated 30 January 2025
Applies to England
SMaRT4NIPE (S4N) is the national IT system for the NHS Newborn and Infant Physical Examination (NIPE) screening programme. Providers use S4N to manage babies through the screening and referral assessment pathway.
What to do if S4N is unavailable
Providers should have blank NIPE screening case note proformas printed out and readily available for use in case S4N becomes unavailable. If S4N is unavailable providers should:
- screen as usual within expected timescales
- handwrite a proforma for each baby using the birth register in maternity
- use any other information, such as bed status lists and birth register
- include neonatal unit admissions
- include home births
- inform neighbouring trusts about transfers of babies by communication routes other than S4N if the problem lasts for more than 48 hours
When S4N becomes available again, providers should:
- input screening data
- ensure transfers are actioned (check transfer log for incoming babies)
What to do if S4N is available but birth notifications have failed
If no new birth records are appearing in S4N then providers should check with their local IT department to see if there are any local IT problems and maternity system issues.
If there are no local IT issues then immediately contact the national NIPE IT system helpdesk and report the problem.
While technicians fix the problem with the birth notifications, providers should:
- screen as usual within expected timescales
- be extra vigilant in making sure babies have not missed screening
- manually create a record on S4N for each baby taking care to record details accurately
- liaise with local newborn hearing screening colleagues to ensure both S4N and S4H IT systems have accurate data recorded
- use any other available information such as bed lists and birth registers to ensure a baby is not missed
- include admissions to neonatal units
- include home births
- inform neighbouring trusts about transfers by communication routes other than S4N if the problem lasts for more than 48 hours
Providers should merge records as appropriate when birth notifications are working again.
Further information and support
The customer portal will show the current system performance within the latest news or major incidents sections on the home page. This should be viewed before contacting the helpdesk for assistance.
Contact the national NIPE IT system helpdesk with any query, change request or issue.
National NIPE screening IT helpdesk
Email: NIPE.helpdesk@nhs.net
Phone: 08450 705 902
The helpdesk is open from 7am to 7pm, 365 days a year.
Contact the NIPE national programme team via the PHE Screening helpdesk if issues remain unresolved.