
Next generation estate contracts (NGEC)

How the Ministry of Defence is developing a cost effective mix of estate contract models to meet the future needs of defence.

This publication was withdrawn on

This page has been archived as the contracts referred to have been let and are in operation.



The defence estate plays a key role in supporting the armed forces as they prepare for operations by providing and maintaining infrastructure that meets military needs cost effectively. From 2014 the current arrangements with industry to provide management, maintenance and development of the UK defence estate will expire.

The Next generation estate contracts (NGEC) programme is replacing those arrangements with a mix of prime contracts and capital works frameworks designed to deliver the best possible service for the armed forces and the rest of UK defence, and achieve best value for money for the UK taxpayer.

Updates to this page

Published 14 August 2013
Last updated 12 June 2014
  1. Updated US Force estate prime: procurement information.

  2. Removed section on senior management profiles.

  3. First published.

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