NHS COVID-19 app: user guide
How to use the free NHS COVID-19 app on iPhone and Android smartphones.
Applies to England and Wales
This page provides information on how to use the app effectively to help stop the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).
Note: If you’re using app version 5.0 or later, you can enter any positive lateral flow or positive PCR test result for contact tracing, whether it’s from an NHS or paid-for test. If you choose to share your result, the app will anonymously notify other app users who were near you that they might be at risk. This helps prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Updates to this page
Added notice explaining that the app will be closing down on 27 April.
Updated How to use the app in another country section in How to use the app, and How we know the app works section in How the app works.
Updated to reflect the app version 5.0 changes.
Updated How to use the app in another country section in How to use the app.
Updated How to input symptoms section in How to use the app (English and Welsh).
Added Welsh version.
First published.