NHS foundation trusts: requirements for quality reports 2014/15
Details how NHS foundation trusts should prepare their quality reports.
Applies to England
NHS foundation trusts must include a report on the quality of care they provide in their annual report to improve public accountability.
This document describes the detailed requirements for the quality report.
Updates to document: 23 February 2015
The requirements of part 3 have been updated to clarify that performance against the indicators required by the ‘Risk assessment framework’ should be reported for the whole year. For example performance against the referral to treatment targets should be reported as the arithmetic average for the year of the monthly reported performance during the year.
Related guidance for NHS foundation trusts
- Annual reporting manual 2014/15: guidance for NHS foundation trusts on producing their 2014/15 annual reports and accounts
- Detailed guidance for external assurance on quality reports: how NHS foundation trusts and their auditors should carry out checks on 2013/14 quality reports
Updates to this page
23 February 2015 - The requirements of part 3 have been updated to clarify that performance against the indicators required by the Risk Assessment Framework should be reported for the whole year.
First published.