
NHS Friends and Family Test: Implementation Guidance

Background, requirements and implications of putting into practice a national friends and family test within the NHS.

Applies to England



From April 2013, all patients will be asked a simple question to identify if they would recommend a particular A&E department or ward to their friends and family. The results of this friends and family test will be used to improve the experience of patients by providing timely feedback alongside other sources of patient feedback. It will highlight priority areas for action.

This guidance aims to detail the background, requirements and implications of implementing the national Friends and Family Test within the NHS. It also aims to support those who will be establishing and implementing this test. It is initially for providers of NHS funded acute services for inpatients and patients discharged from A&E from April 2013.

Collection of the data for the test needs to be in place at the latest by April 2013 and covers all acute inpatient wards and all type 1 and 2 A&E departments.

The Department of Health has also published guidance on:

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Published 4 October 2012

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