
NHS procurement standards

Standards for assessing NHS procurement performance.

Applies to England



This document sets out the standards for NHS healthcare provider organisations to assess and benchmark procurement performance and identify areas for improvements.

It provides an outline for a moderation process to ensure consistency of application and sharing of good practice. It also provides information on how to use the standards, process for the peer reviews, and templates for completion with examples of the types of evidence that are required.

The NHS procurement standards were developed by the NHS Capability Working Group and support Lord Carter’s recommendations on procurement in the NHS.

This revised guidance consolidates 4 documents into one to include guidance and templates as appendices, and replaces the version published in December 2013.

Updates to this page

Published 18 June 2013
Last updated 22 July 2016 show all updates
  1. Updated standards for assessing NHS procurement performance.

  2. 'NHS Standards of Procurement: Peer Review Guidance' and 'NHS Standards of Procurement: Evidence Tool' documents have been added.

  3. First published.

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