Process for disclosing results in breast screening
Updated 5 October 2020
This is an example process for disclosing results in the NHS Breast Screening Programme.
1. Cancer diagnosis
The symptomatic service makes a diagnosis.
2. Screening history
Check the screening history to see if the woman has had previous screens. If there have been screens, then:
- inform screening service
- screening and diagnostic services exchange films
- screening service reviews and categorises interval cancer
- screening service informs diagnostic service of findings
Give information regarding screening review and national breast cancer diagnosis leaflet.
3. Share results
At the patient’s request or at a suitable point after initial treatment, offer to share the results of the review.
If she declines, then:
- record this decision
- offer result at later date if she changes her mind
If she accepts, then:
- clinician should prepare for interview
- discussion with clinician should take place
- offer further discussion with screening service
- document the conversation
If patient requests a discussion with the screening service, share a summary with the patient and the treating clinician.