Policy paper
National Information Board's workstreams
NIB workstreams explain how we plan to improve digital services by making it easier for the public to access health and care information.
Workstream 1.1
Healthcare information and transactions
- to give the public more control of their health and care and to interact with care providers more effectively
- to allow patients to view their records online and have the opportunity to create and manage their own personal care record
- online appointment bookings and repeat prescriptions will be available across all care services
Workstream 1.2
Access to endorsed NHS and social care apps
- citizens will have access to a set of health and care digital apps that will have been endorsed by the NHS in order to help people to manage their health better and deal more effectively with illness and disability
Workstream 2.1
Setting technology and data standards
- a comprehensive set of technology and data standards which will support more mobile and editable digital records
- all patient and care records will be digital, real-time and interoperable by 2020
- for clinicians in key care settings will be operating without the need for paper records by 2018
Workstream 2.2
Better data about the quality of care received
- prioritises the safe development of linked administrative data for all NHS-funded episodes of care
- the development of data standards and the improvement of quality services
Workstream 3
Making the quality of care transparent
- to improve the range and depth of data made available to the MyNHS service on NHS choice
- to develop a more transparent service, opening data to public scrutiny and driving improved performance
Workstream 4
Building public trust in use of health data
- to develop proposals for moving to a consent-based approach, which respects citizens’ preferences and objections about how their personal and confidential data is used
Workstream 5
Supporting innovation and growth in healthcare
- to develop new, more effective treatments for patients
- to enable growth of a UK digital health industry and new opportunities for existing life science companies
- to improve efficiencies for the health and social care system as new technologies enable new care pathways
Workstream 6
Making best use of data and technology
- to ensure health and social care workforce have the knowledge and skills that are necessary to use information, data and technology appropriate to their role
Workstream 7:
Ensuring best value and opening up infrastructure
- to maximise the benefits from past investments and focus any future investment on areas that can deliver the greatest impact
- to set out the strategic standard for future national investments in technology
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Published 4 March 2015