Nigeria: Call for bids for Political Economy Advocacy projects 2016/17
The Nigeria Prosperity Fund is looking for projects to fund in financial year 2016 to 2017.
The 2015 Strategic Defence and Security Review announced a £1.3bn Prosperity Fund over the next 5 years to promote the economic reform and development needed for growth in partner countries. Our priorities will include improving the business climate, competitiveness and operation of markets, energy and financial sector reform, and increasing the ability of partner countries to tackle corruption. As well as contributing to a reduction in poverty in recipient countries, we expect these reforms to create opportunities for international business including UK companies. The role of the Fund is also set out in the UK aid strategy, Tackling Global Challenges in the National Interest.
The Prosperity Fund will form a small but integral element of the UK’s total Official Development Assistance (ODA) commitment of 0.7% of GNI. It will primarily be focused on ODA eligible middle income countries, contributing to poverty reduction and complementing DFID’s work in poorer countries. In this way, the Fund will contribute towards meeting the new Sustainable Development Goals. ODA spend under the Fund will be fully consistent with OECD DAC criteria.
The Foreign & Commonwealth Office’s programme funds seek to create real, measurable outcomes in support of the FCO’s policy goals on opening markets, ensuring access to resources, and promoting sustainable global growth, mainly in the emerging powers.
Nigeria Bidding Round
The Nigeria Guidance for Potential Implementers (See attachment 1.1) sets out the arrangements for the bidding process for these projects, including rules governing ODA expenditure under the Fund. Decisions on initial country allocations will be taken in late September 2016.
The Nigeria PF Team invites bids for activity on activities that will deepen understanding of economic development challenges and opportunities in Nigeria, particularly around:
- Economic policy reforms in Nigeria, at state and federal level, conducive to inclusive growth
- Improving the business environment to attract and stimulate investment and entrepreneurship,
- Improving competitiveness and promoting open market operations in Nigeria.
Implementer bids are expected to detail how they would help to achieve or contribute to all or part of the stated objectives. We will also consider bids that detail how your work may help the UK to understand better and identify needs and barriers in these specified areas.
How to apply
Please read the attached guidance carefully and ensure that any proposals you are considering are a good fit. A key concept of the PF is to focus on strategies with high impact.
Use the template provided below to submit a Project proposal by 27 September 2016
Criteria for bid evaluation
- Measurable impact and outputs with SMART indicators (logical framework – see example template in the bid document)
- Realistic, ambitious, concise, clear and convincing proposals detailing the need/s to be addressed and why.
- To be compliant with the UK International Development (Gender Equality) Act 2014, projects must promote gender equality and indicate how this will be achieved.
- Federal government and/or beneficiary buy-in and the identification of the key stakeholders – Was cost-sharing considered.
Please note that by issuing this call for bids, the British High Commission is not bound in any way to proceed with the bidding process and does not have to accept any bid and reserves the right to accept the whole or any specified part of the bid.
Risk management plans
- Value for money and a detailed unit level activity based budget (see example template); - Sustainability, cost sharing and exit strategy;
- Capacity and reach of the implementer to deliver (evidence of impact from previous projects);
- Recognition and coordination with other donors and implementation partners doing similar work (mapping)
Implementation timeframes and scale
The UK financial year is from 01 April to 31 March. Our aim is for projects to start in October 2016 with majority of project activity completed and paid for by 31 December and any final outstanding activity to be completed by 31 March 2017. Please note that The PF project budget is < £25,000, with no limit for individual project applications.
Please send your proposal (see the attached PF Country Bid Template) to the British High Commission to: Nigeria Prosperity Fund Team by 27 September 2016.
Bidders will be informed whether or not their proposals have been approved by 18 October 2016. We will not provide feedback to bids that are not related to the stated impact focus.
1.1 Guidance for Potential Implementers (MS Word Document) 1.2 Project Proposal Form (MS Word Document) 1.3 Activity Based Budget Guidance 1.4 Example Activity Based Budget (Microsoft Office Excel Worksheet) 1.5 Grant Contract template 1.6 Bid Template Guidance (PDF)
Please note that the Nigeria Prosperity Fund Team inbox is only monitored during calls for bids. Your email may not be responded to outside of a bidding window.
We wish you all good luck!