Nominations and Remuneration Committee
Terms of reference and standing orders for the Regulator of Social Housing's Nominations and Remuneration Committee
Applies to England
The Nominations and Remunerations Committee (formerly the Nominations and Governance Committee) is an advisory body which exercises governance functions. It comprises between 2 and 4 members appointed by the Board of RSH. The Committee meets at least once a year, or as required, at appropriate intervals.
The NRC’s role is to provide independent support to the regulator’s Board and Accounting Officer by providing scrutiny, oversight and advice in relation to:
plans for orderly succession of appointments to the Board and of senior management, in order to maintain an appropriate balance of skills and experience;
incentives and rewards for executive board members and senior officials; and
the regulator’s governance arrangements.
Board and other committees
See Our Governance for more information about the Board.
See Audit and Risk Assurance Committee for information about its terms of reference and standing orders.
Code of Conduct
See Code of conduct and practice for Board and Committee members for the Code of Conduct and Practice for Board Members, Committee and Sub-Committee Members.
NRC minutes from April 2023 can be found on the Board and committees minutes collections page.