North Norfolk: Catchment flood management plan
An overview of the flood risk across the river catchment and recommended ways of managing the risk now and over the next 50 to 100 years.
Applies to England
Catchment flood management plans (CFMPs) consider all types of inland flooding, from rivers, ground water, surface water and tidal flooding, but not flooding directly from the sea, (coastal flooding), which is covered in ‘shoreline management plans’. They also take into account the likely impacts of climate change, the effects of how we use and manage the land, and how areas could be developed to meet our present day needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
CFMPs will be used to help the Environment Agency and partners to plan and agree the most effective way to manage flood risk in the future.
The ‘post adoption statement’ outlines how the environment has been taken into account during the development of the plan and how consultations have influenced final plan.
To request a full copy of a CFMP email the Environment Agency at or call them on 0370 8506506.