Stage 3 report on improving the A66 and A69
The stage 3 report on the Northern Trans-Pennine strategic study, which suggests how to improve the A66 and A69, to increase trans-Pennine connectivity.
This is the stage 3 report for the Northern Trans-Pennine strategic study. It outlines the high level case for making improvements to the A66 and A69 to improve trans-Pennine connectivity. Further work needs to be carried out to understand the full benefits and impacts of the potential options.
Based on work so far, consultants have identified a number of transport interventions that would meet the study objectives. These include:
- completion of the dualling of the A66
- completion of the dualling of the a69
- junction improvements
- options to bypass Warwick Bridge
Background to the Northern Trans-Pennine strategic study
The Northern Trans-Pennine strategic study is one of 6 strategic studies that will inform the development of the second phase of the Road investment strategy (RIS 2).
The study was announced as part of the first phase of the Road investment strategy (RIS 1) published in December 2014. The RIS 1 and RIS 2 set out a long-term approach to improve England’s motorways and major roads (the ‘strategic road network’).