
Norway: doctors

Updated 13 January 2021

1. Disclaimer

The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) provides lists of service providers for information only, to assist British nationals who may need support overseas. This list is not exhaustive, and is subject to change at any time. None of the service providers are endorsed or recommended by the FCDO. You should research whether a service provider will be suitable. The FCDO does not accept any liability arising to any person for any loss or damage suffered through using these service providers or this information.

2. List of medical facilities and practitioners in Norway

3. Emergencies

Telephone: 110 (Fire), 112 (Police) or 113 (Ambulance).

National Accident & Emergency care (A&E units) is primary provided by individual Hospital’s emergency rooms (legevakts). These are situated in most of Norways’ towns and cities. A number of private institutions also offer A&E services, but British Nationals should be aware that extra charges could arise. Patients can also be referred to A&E units (legevakts) by their Norweigian GP’s, or when immediate attention is needed by other authorities. See legevakt to find your nearest town or cities A&E unit.

4. Hospitals

Name of medical facility Email Telephone Address English speaking staff Main specialisation Public/Private facility Accreditation
Oslo University Hospital (Ullevål Sykehus) From Norway: 02770 / From UK 0047 91 50 27 70 Kirkeveien 166, 0450 Oslo Yes Regional hospital with emergency treatment Public Affiliated to the Ministry of Health and Care Services (HOD)
Oslo University Hospital (Rikshospitalet) From Norway: 02770 / From UK 0047 91 50 27 70 Sognsvannsveien 20, 0372 Oslo Yes Regional hospital with emergency treatment Public Affiliated to the Ministry of Health and Care Services (HOD)
Akershus University Hospital (Ahus) From Norway: 02900 / From UK: 0047 67 96 00 00 Postboks 1000, 1478 Lørenskog Yes Regional hospital with emergency treatment Public Affiliated to the Ministry of Health and Care Services (HOD)
Sørlandet Hospital From Norway: 03738 / From UK: 0047 91 50 37 38 Egsveien 100, 4615 Kristiansand Yes Regional hospital with emergency treatment Public Affiliated to the Ministry of Health and Care Services (HOD)
Haukeland University Hospital From Norway: 05300 / From UK: 0047 55 97 50 00 Haukelandsveien 22, 5021 Bergen Yes Regional hospital with emergency treatment Public Affiliated to the Ministry of Health and Care Services (HOD)
Stavanger University Hospital From Norway: 05151 / From UK: 0047 51 51 80 52 Gerd Ragna Bloch,Thorsens gate 8, 4011 Stavanger Yes Regional hospital with emergency treatment Public Affiliated to the Ministry of Health and Care Services (HOD)
University Hospital North Norway (UNN Tromsø) From Norway: 07766 / From UK: 0047 776 26000 Hansine Hansen vei 67, 9038 Tromsø Yes Regional hospital with emergency treatment Public Affiliated to the Ministry of Health and Care Services (HOD)
Ålesund Hospital 0047 70 10 50 00 Åsehaugen 1, 6017 Ålesund Yes Regional hospital with emergency treatment Public Affiliated to the Ministry of Health and Care Services (HOD)
St. Olavs Hospital From Norway: 72 57 30 00 / From UK: 0047 81 55 58 50 Postboks 3250 Sluppen, 7006 Trondheim Yes Regional hospital with emergency treatment Public Affiliated to the Ministry of Health and Care Services (HOD)
Kristiansund Hospital 0047 71 12 00 00 Herman Døhlens vei 1, 6508 Kristiansund Yes Regional hospital with emergency treatment Public Affiliated to the Ministry of Health and Care Services (HOD)
Longyearbyen Hospital   0047 79 02 42 00 Postboks 314, 9171 Longyearbyen Yes Regional hospital with emergency treatment Public Affiliated to the Ministry of Health and Care Services (HOD)

5. Practitioners in Norway

5.1 GPs

Every person studying or working in Norway can register with a Norwegian GP as long as he or she has the Norwegian identity number. GPs prescribe medicines and provide referral to specialists or hospitalisation, if necessary.

Most General Practitioners in Norway speak English. You can choose your own doctor. A consultation fee will be charged each time.

Make sure that any doctor you consult works within the Norwegian municipality scheme, otherwise you will be liable for the cost of the treatment yourself.

5.2 Dentists

Dental care in Norway is run mainly through the private sector, thus it involves high costs. Youths under the age of 20, persons with mental health issues and old age pensioners receive free dental medical services. A list of dentist can be found by city/town here.

5.3 Pharmacies

Pharmacies in Norway sell prescription and non-prescription drugs, cosmetics and products for children and are available throughout the country.

5.4 Medicine

All medicines except prescriptions for chronic illnesses are usually paid for by the individual.

6. Feedback

If you decide to use any of the service providers on this list, we would like to hear from you. While there is no obligation on your part to provide feedback on the services you receive, any feedback you can give us is helpful. You can send feedback by email to, including the country and name of the list in your email. Or contact us below: