
Notice of authorised amendments (NAA) 2021 documents

Issuing of an NAA gives notice to the changes in regulations and manuals. Produced by the Military Aviation Authority (MAA).


NAA 21/74

NAA 21/73

NAA 21/72

NPA 21/71

NAA 21/70

NAA 21/69

NAA 21/68

NAA 21/67

NAA 21/66

NAA 21/65

NAA 21/64

NAA 21/63

NAA 21/62

NAA 21/61

NAA 21/60

NAA 21/59

NAA 21/58

NAA 21/57

NAA 21/56

NAA 21/55

NAA 21/54

NAA 21/53

NAA 21/52

NAA 21/51

NAA 21/50

NAA 21/49

NAA 21/48

NAA 21/47

NAA 21/46

NAA 21/45

NAA 21/44

NAA 21/43

NAA 21/42

NAA 21/41

NAA 21/40

NAA 21/39

NAA 21/38

NAA 21/37

NAA 21/36

NAA 21/35

NAA 21/34

NAA 21/33

NAA 21/32

NAA 21/31

NAA 21/30

NAA 21/29

NAA 21/28

NAA 21/27

NAA 21/26

NAA 21/25

NAA 21/24

NAA 21/23

NAA 21/22

NAA 21/21

NAA 21/20

NAA 21/19

NAA 21/18

NAA 21/17

NAA 21/16

NAA 21/15

NAA 21/14

NAA 21/13

NAA 21/12

NAA 21/11

NAA 21/10

NAA 21/09

NAA 21/08

NAA 21/07

NAA 21/06

NAA 21/05

NAA 21/04

NAA 21/03

NAA 21/02

NAA 21/01


A notice of authorised amendments (NAA) will be issued detailing which part of the MAA regulatory publications (MRP) have been amended. To ensure that the reader appreciates the full context of the amendment, the NAA will include a reference to the amended section of the MRP and will provide a summary of the amendment; at this juncture the MRP will also be amended. The MAA will maintain records of the justification supporting any MRP amendment and the associated NAA authorising signatory.

Updates to this page

Published 13 January 2021
Last updated 13 December 2021 + show all updates
  1. NAA 21/72 relating to RA 5305 – In-Service Design Changes - Issue 6 and RA 5405 – Special Instructions (Technical) - Issue 7, NAA 21/73 relating to RA 5815 – Instructions for Sustaining Type Airworthiness - Issue 2, RA 5850 – Military Design Approved Organization (MRP Part 21 Subpart J) - Issue 5, RA 5875 – (European) Technical Standard Order (MRP Part 21 Subpart O) - Issue 3, RA 5880 – Military Permit to Fly (Development) (MRP Part 21 Subpart P) - Issue 6, Military Permit to Fly (MPTF) (Developmeny) Template - Version 3 and RA 5885 – Identification of Products, Parts and Appliances (MRP Part 21 Subpart Q) - Issue 3 and NAA 21/74 introducing RA 5812 - Digital Models and Simulations Supporting Airworthiness-Related Decision-Making - Initial Issue has been published.

  2. NAA 21/71 relating to the Manual of Airworthiness Maintenance - Documentation (MAM-D) Part 2 – Catalogue of Forms has been published.

  3. NAA 21/70 relating to the MAA01: Military Aviation Authority Regulatory Principles - Issue 9 has been published.

  4. NAA 21/59 relating to the Manual of Air System Certification (MMAC), NAA 21/60 relating to RA 4800 – General Requirements (MRP Part 145), RA 4806 - Personnel Requirements (MRP 145.A.30), RA 4807 - Certifying Staff and Support Staff (MRP 145.A.35), RA 4810 - Technical Information (MRP 145.A.45), RA 4812 - Certification of Air System Release and Component Release (MRP 145.A.50), RA 4813 - Maintenance Records (MRP 145.A.55), RA 4814 - Occurrence Reporting (MRP 145.A.60), RA 4815 - Maintenance Procedures and Safety and Quality Policy (MRP 145.A.65), RA 4816 - Maintenance Organization Exposition (MRP 145.A.70) - Approved Maintenance Organizations only and RA 4817 - Privileges of the Organization (MRP 145.A.75), NAA 21/61 relating to RA 4803 – Method of Application for Approval (MRP 145.A.15) - Approved Maintenance Organizations onlyand RA 4820 - Continued Validity of Approval (MRP 145.A.90) - Approved Maintenance Organizations only, NAA 21/62 relating to RA 4809 - Acceptance of Components (MRP 145.A.42), NAA 21/63 relating to RA 5220 – Special Flying Instructions and Restrictions on Flying, NAA 21/64 relating to the Manual of Air System Integrity Management (MASIM) - Issue 3, RA 5726 – Integrity Management - Issue 3 and RA 5810 - Military Type Certificate (MRP Part 21 Subpart B), NAA 21/65 relating to RA 5855 - Parts and Appliances (MRP Part 21 Subpart K), NAA 21/66 realting to RA 1165 – UK Civil Aviation Authority Oversight of UK Military Registered Air Systems, NAA 21/67 relating to RA 1300 - Release To Service, NAA 21/68 relating to RA 1010 - Head of Establishment - Aviation Responsibilities - Issue 3 and RA 1026 – Aerodrome Operator and Aerodrome Supervisor (Recreational Flying) Roles and Responsibilities and NAA 21/69 relating to the Manual of Airworthiness Maintenance - Processes (MAM-P) have been published.

  5. NAA 21/58 relating to the MAA03: Military Aviation Authority Regulatory Processes has been published.

  6. NAA 21/56 relating to the Manual of Aircraft Post Crash Management (MAPCM) and NAA 21/57 relating to the RTS Template have been published.

  7. NAA 21/55 relating to RA 3132 - Air Traffic Management Equipment Safety Cases, RA 3134 - Air Traffic Management Equipment Release into Service Process, MAA Form 1430 - Application for Classification of a Modification to Air Traffic Management Equipment, RA 3201 – Military Air Traffic Management and RA 3202 – Air Traffic Service Provision – Qualifications and Entitlement, Training, Competence and Currency have been published.

  8. NAA 21/45 relating to RA 2201 – Carriage of Maintenance Documents in UK Military Aircraft, NAA 21/46 RA 2210 – Preventative Maintenance and Continuous Charge Operations, NAA 21/47 relating to RA 2301 - Responsibility for an Air System, NAA 21/48 relating to RA 2302 - Responsibilities in the Air, NAA 21/49 relating to RA 2310 – Flight Procedures: Role Specific Fixed Wing, NAA 21/50 relating to RA 2315 - Flight Procedures: Role Specific Rotary Wing, NAA 21/51 relating to RA 2327 - Air Combat Manoeuvring, Basic Fighter Manoeuvres and Basic Helicopter Manoeuvres and RA 2340 - Supernumerary Crew, Supernumerary Support Crew and Passengers, NAA 21/52 relating to RA 2350 - Air System Emergencies, NAA 21/53 relating to RA 2360 - Portable Electronic Devices and NAA 21/54 relating to RA 3136 – Air Traffic Management Equipment Technical Safeguarding, RA 3201 – Military Air Traffic Management, RA 3202 – Air Traffic Service Provision – Qualifications and Entitlement, Training, Competence and Currency, RA 3235 – Airborne Collision Avoidance Systems - Controller Responsibilities, RA 3237 – Royal Low Level Corridors, RA 3261 - Aerodrome Service, RA 3263 - Aerodrome Classification, RA 3270 - Aerodrome Wildlife Control, RA 3275 - Runway Visual Range, RA 3291 – Precision Approach Radar, RA 3292 - Instrument Landing Systems Monitoring, RA 3510 - Permanent Fixed Wing Aerodrome - Reference Information, RA 3511 - Permanent Fixed Wing Aerodrome - Physical Characteristics, RA 3515 - Permanent Fixed Wing Aerodrome - Lighting, RA 3590 - Maintenance and Safeguarding and the Defence Aerodrome Manual (DAM) have been published.

  9. NAA 21/44 relating to the Manual of Airworthiness Maintenance - Documentation (MAM-D) Part 2 – Catalogue of Forms has been published.

  10. NAA 21/40 relating to RA 1002 - Airworthiness Competent Persons, RA 1003 - Delegation of Airworthiness Authority and Notification of Air Safety Responsibility, RA 1005 – Contracting with Competent Organizations, RA 1013 - Air Systems Operating Centre Director - Provision of Airworthy and Safe Systems, RA 1014 - Design Organizations and Co-ordinating Design Organizations - Airworthiness Responsibilities and RA 1015 - Type Airworthiness Management - Roles and Responsibilities, NAA 21/41 relating to RA 1021 - Release To Service Authorities - Roles and Responsibilities, RA 1300 - Release To Service, RA 1325 - Release To Service Limitations, RA 1330 - Release To Service Special Clearances, RA 1340 - Equipment Not Basic to the Air System, RA 1360 - Release To Service Recommendations Preparation and Authorization and the Release To Service Template, NAA 21/42 relating to RA 1140 - Air System Technical Data Exploitation and NAA 21/43 relating to RA 1400 - Flight Safety, RA 1410 – Occurrence Reporting and Management, RA 1420 - Service Inquiries and Non-Statutory Inquiries, RA 1430 - Aircraft Post Crash Management and Significant Occurrence Management, RA 1440 – Air Safety Training, Manual of Aircraft Post Crash Management (MAPCM) and the Aircraft Post Crash Management (APCM) Aide Memoire have been published.

  11. NAA 21/38 relating to the MAA02: Military Aviation Authority Master Glossary and NAA 21/39 relating to RA 1208 - Flight Data Monitoring have been published.

  12. NAA 21/37 relating to RA 1380 - Performance Based Navigation and RA 1390 - Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum has been published.

  13. NAA 21/32 relating to Manual of Airworthiness Maintenance – Processes (MAM-P), NAA 21/33 relating to RA 1006 - Delegation of Engineering Authorizations, RA 1016 - Military Continuing Airworthiness Management, RA 4945 - Personnel Requirements - MRP Part M Sub Part G, NAA 21/34 relating to RA 4966 - Military Continuing Airworthiness Management Organization Instructions – MRP Part M Sub Part C, NAA 21/35 relating to Manual of Military Air System Certification (MMAC) and NAA 21/36 relating to RA 5810 - Military Type Certificate (MRP Part 21 Subpart B), MAA Form 30, RA 5820 - Changes in Type Design (MRP Part 21 Subpart D) and RA 5850 - Military Design Approved Organization (MRP Part 21 Subpart J) have been published.

  14. NAA 21/29 relating to RA 2135 - Aircrew Medical Requirements, NAA 21/30 relating to RA 2307 - Rules of the Air and NAA 21/31 relating to RA 2330 - Low Flying have been published.

  15. NAA 21/28 relating to Manual of Airworthiness Maintenance - Documentation (MAM-D) Part 2 – Catalogue of Forms has been published.

  16. NAA 21/27 relating to the Manual of Airworthiness Maintenance – Processes (MAM-P) has been published.

  17. NAA 21/26 relating to RA 3234 – Air System Formations and RA 3295 – Required Navigation Performance Approach – Controller Responsibilities has been published.

  18. NAA 21/25 relating to RA 2330 - Low Flying has been published.

  19. NAA 21/07, 21/08, 21/09, 21/10, 21/11, 21/12, 21/13, 21/14, 21/15, 21/16, 21/17, 21/18, 21/19, 21/20, 21/21, 21/22, 21/23 and 21/24 have been published.

  20. NAA 21/05 relating to the Manual of Airworthiness Maintenance – Processes (MAM-P) and NAA 21/06 relating to the Manual of Airworthiness Maintenance - Documentation (MAM-D) Part 2 – Catalogue of Forms have been published.

  21. NAA 21/04 relating to RA 2335 - Flying Displays, Display Flying, Role Demonstrations and Flypasts, Form 1: Flying Display Notification Form, Form 2: Foreign Military Participant Application Form, Form 3: Foreign Military Participant Validation Form, Form 4: Flying Display Director Post Event Feedback Form and Form 5: Public Display Authority Form has been published.

  22. First published.

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