
NTE 2024/20: suspension of licences for Israel

Published 2 September 2024


Following the Foreign Secretary’s Oral Statement to Parliament and the Written Statement made by the Secretary of State for Business and Trade on 2 September 2024, and under article 32 of the Export Control Order 2008, the Secretary of State for Business and Trade has suspended extant export licences where we assess the items are for use in military operations in Gaza.  

All new applications will be assessed in line with the scope of this suspension. 

The suspension does not apply to exports for the F-35 programme, except where the items are going direct to Israel for use by Israel. 

If you have licences in scope, the Export Control Joint Unit (ECJU) will contact you directly to confirm the decision and inform you about actions you will need to take.

The Government will keep this position under review.

Changes to open general licences

Following these statements, the ECJU has amended the following open general licences:

Contact Export Control Joint Unit

General queries about strategic export licensing

Export Control Joint Unit
Department for Business and Trade
Old Admiralty Building
Admiralty Place


Telephone 020 7215 4594