
Licence conditions policy framework

This policy sets out actions for prison and probation staff in the application of the different types of licence conditions where releasing and/or managing individuals on licence.

Applies to England and Wales


Licence conditions policy framework

Youth Licence and NoS annexes and forms

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This policy framework sets out the mandatory requirements, and general guidance, for prison and probation staff in the release and ongoing management of individuals on licence as part of their custodial sentence. This includes standard, compulsory, additional and bespoke licence conditions.

This background to the introduction of compulsory licence conditions for the first time is explained, and it also sets out the updated processes for licence variation. The policy also contains the full list of additional licence conditions which are available.

The policy for temporary travel abroad on licence, which appeared in the policies this replaces, has been moved to the travel and transfer on licence/PSS policy framework.

Updates to this page

Published 26 July 2021
Last updated 9 January 2025 + show all updates
  1. Framework updated.

  2. Framework updated and additional licence condition criteria and table published.

  3. Youth Additional Licence Conditions and Notice of Supervision Requirements Guidance updated.

  4. Youth Additional Licence Conditions and Notice of Supervision Requirements Guidance updated.

  5. Guidance, annexes and forms updated.

  6. Licence conditions and Notification of Supervision (NOS) requirements guidance and annexes and forms updated.

  7. Framework updated.

  8. Minor amendment to para 3.49 and the Implementation date updated.

  9. Framework updated and variation guidance published.

  10. Additional Youth Estate Licence and NoS conditions Guidance 2021 and Youth Estate Licence and NoS Annexes and Forms published.

  11. First published.

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