Number of houses with 2 and 3 bedrooms in the DL6 postcode area in CT band G, as at 31 March 2015
An FOI response requesting the number of properties with 2 and 3 bedrooms in DL6 postcode area that are in CT band G.
As with the latest VOA published statistics, all counts are rounded to the nearest 10 with counts of zero being reported as “0” and counts fewer than 5 reported as negligible and denoted by “-“.
Accordingly, your requested statistics are provided below:
2 bedroom houses in the DL6 postcode area that are band G | - |
3 bedroom houses in the DL6 postcode area that are band G | 20 |
These are reported in line with the VOA Official Statistics for Council Tax: stock of properties, which are published annually at National, Regional and Local Authority level. This can be found in the document section.