FOI release

Number of proposals against 2010 Rating List (RL) and number of checks in 2017 RL by RV band

A response to an external request for proposals received against the 2010 and checks in the 2017 Rating Lists for businesses by rateable value.

This publication was withdrawn on

We have removed outdated replies from the disclosure log, particularly those of limited appeal to the general public. This includes releases from 2015 to 2019, which are not of wider public interest such as those in a very narrow geographical area or data which is now published elsewhere.



1. Summary of FOI request for the following information

Please could you confirm the number of proposals received against the 2010 rating list from businesses with a Rateable Value (RV) between

  1. £0 to £6,000
  2. £6,000 to £12,000

Please could you receive how many checks you have received since the introduction of the 2017 list from businesses with an RV

  1. Under £12,000
  2. Between £12,000 and £15,000

2. Response

The number of proposals received against 2010 rating list are shown in the following table by the rateable value bands set out in your request. The count provided covers the dates, 1 April 2010 to 30 September 2017 and relates to England and Wales.

Rateable value

(at time of submitting proposal)


Under £6,000


Between £6,000 and £12,000


Question 2

The number of checks registered since the introduction of the 2017 list by rateable value band. The count provided covers the dates, 1 April 2017 to 30 September 2017 and relates to England only.

Rateable value

(at time of submitting check)


Under £12,000


Between £12,000 and £15,000


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Published 19 January 2018

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