
Gwrthwynebiadau ac anghydfodau: ymarferiad a threfniadaeth Cofrestrfa Tir EF (CY37)

Gwybodaeth am ymarferiad a threfniadaeth Cofrestrfa Tir EF mewn perthynas â gwrthwynebiadau i gofrestriadau ac anghydfodau (cyfarwyddyd ymarfer 37).

Yn berthnasol i England and Gymru



Mae’r cyfarwyddyd hwn yn trafod sefyllfaoedd lle mae parti wedi gwrthwynebu cofrestriad neu’n gysylltiedig ag anghydfod. Mae’n cwmpasu swyddogaethau Cofrestrfa Tir EF, adran Cofrestru Tir y Siambr Eiddo, Tribiwnlys Haen Gyntaf a’r llys. Mae’r cyfarwyddyd wedi ei anelu at drawsgludwyr a dylech ddehongli cyfeiriadau atoch ‘chi’ felly.

Dim ond gwybodaeth ffeithiol a chyngor diduedd ynghylch ein gweithdrefnau rydym yn eu darparu. Darllenwch ragor am y cyngor rydym yn ei roi.


Gallwch ymuno â’n gweminarau di-dâl i gael cyngor ar ystod o bynciau cofrestru tir a sut i baratoi ceisiadau o safon.

Updates to this page

Cyhoeddwyd ar 13 October 2003
Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 14 August 2023 + show all updates
  1. Section 3 has been amended to include details of our practice on extending the period allowed for negotiations, which we will not usually do unless there are exceptional circumstances.

  2. Section 4 has been updated to accord with our advisory policy.

  3. Section 2 has been amended to include a reminder that under section 77 of the Land Registration Act 2002, there is a duty not to object to an application without reasonable cause.

  4. Section 2 has been amended to explain that sometimes completion can be deferred to allow an objector to clarify their grounds of objection.

  5. Section 5 has been amended to state that once a case has been referred to the tribunal, any enquiries about progress or procedures should be directed to the tribunal rather than HM Land Registry.

  6. The guide has been amended throughout as a result of a review of our disputes procedures.

  7. Link to the advice we offer added.

  8. Welsh edition added.

  9. First published.

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