Off-payroll working rules: communication resources
Use these materials to communicate with your members, clients and customers about changes to the off-payroll working rules (IR35) from April 2021.
How to use this pack
This pack includes resources and materials for the off-payroll working rules and the changes that came into effect on 6 April 2021.
You can share items from this pack with anyone who may be affected by the changes.
We also suggest that you share items from this pack with:
- your communications team
- your organisation’s social media channel managers
Guidance content
You can use these materials with HMRC’s full guidance on the off-payroll working rules.
Make sure you and your members are familiar with these pages - they are the primary source of guidance on IR35.
Check the following guidance on IR35:
Materials in the pack
For sharing with contractors
important facts – top tips you can share with contractors
a contractor flowchart – decision making guide for contractors
case studies – example scenarios you can include in your communications
short comparative case study - an ‘at a glance’ case study comparing the perspective of a contractor and client
Other communication materials
- social media messaging – text you can use on your social media channels
Updates to this page
The materials on this page have been updated to reflect the fact that the off-payroll working rules changed on 6 April 2021. We have also removed some communication material (a sample email and article), and updated the social media messaging section.
Information about a delay due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic removed.
We have updated 'guidance content' with links to further support for the off-payroll working rules and removed 'Information leaflet for contractors', 'how to use these materials' and coronavirus (COVID-19) statutory sick pay information from the 'Details' section.
Updated 'Important facts for contractors - off-payroll working rules (IR35)' section, updates to the flowchart and addition of the factsheet for contractors.
First published.