Corporate report

Current trade unions

Published 14 October 2014

Select a union to view its annual returns, records of any official decisions made by the Certification Officer and other submitted documents.

A to C



Aegis the Union


App Drivers and Couriers Union

Artists’ Union England

Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen

Association for Clinical Biochemistry & Laboratory Medicine

Association of Educational Psychologists

Association of Flight Attendants (Council 07)

Association of Headteachers and Deputes in Scotland

Association of Local Authority Chief Executives

Association of Local Council Clerks

Association of Revenue and Customs

Association of School & College Leaders

Bakers, Food and Allied Workers’ Union

British Air Line Pilots Association

British Association of Dental Nurses

British Association of Journalists

British Association of Occupational Therapists Ltd

British Dental Association

British Dietetic Association

British Medical Association

British Orthoptic Society Trade Union

Cabin Crew Union UK

Chartered Society of Physiotherapy

Cleaners and Allied Independent Workers Union (CAIWU)

Communication Workers Union


Confederation of British Surgery

Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions

Criminal Justice Workers Union (CJWU)

Currys Supply Chain Staff Association - CTU

D to J

Driver and General Union

Educational Institute of Scotland

Empower The Workers’ Union

Employees General Union

Employees United

Equal Justice The Union

Equality For Workers Union (EFWU)

Equity (Incorporating the Variety Artistes’ Federation)


Financial Services Union

Fire and Rescue Services Association

Fire Brigades Union

Fire Officers’ Association

G4S Care and Justice Services Staff Association


Hospital Consultants and Specialists Association

Independent Federation of Nursing in Scotland

Independent Oxfam Union

Independent Pilots Association

Independent Workers Union of Great Britain

Industrial Workers of the World

International Transport Workers Federation


K to Q

Leeds Building Society Colleague Association

Libertas Union

Locum Doctors’ Association

Musicians’ Union

NAPO - The Trade Union and Profession Association for Family Court and Probation Staff

National Association of Head Teachers

National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers

National Association of Racing Staff

National Crime Officers Association

National Education Union

National Employees Union

National House Building Council Staff Association

National Society for Education in Art and Design

National Union of Journalists

National Union of Mineworkers

National Union of Mineworkers (South Wales Area)

National Union of Professional Foster Carers (NUPFC)

National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers

Nationwide Group Staff Union

Nautilus International

News Union

North of England Zoological Society Staff Association

Palm Paper Staff Association

PDA Union


Prison Governors Association

Professional Cricketers Association

Professional Footballers’ Association

Professional Footballers Association Scotland


Public and Commercial Services Union

Psychotherapy and Counselling Union

R to Z

Retail Book Stationery and Allied Trades Employees Association

Royal College of Midwives

Royal College of Nursing of the United Kingdom

RSPB Staff Association

The Rugby Players Association

Sales Staff Association

Security Industry Federation

Scottish Artists Union

Scottish Secondary Teachers Association


The Social Workers Union

The Society of Authors

Society of Radiographers

Society of Union Employees (UNISON)


Solid Trade Union

Stage Directors U.K Ltd

The Royal College of Podiatry

Trade Union for Ethnic Minority Social Workers (TUEMSW)

Transport Salaried Staffs Association

Trades Union Congress

UK Private Hire Drivers Union

United Medical Associate Professionals Trade Union (UMAPs TU)

Undeb Cenedlaethol Athrawon Cymru (The National Association of the Teachers of Wales)

Union of General & Volunteer Workers

Union of Shop Distributive and Allied Workers

Union Workers’ Union

UNISON: The Public Service Union

Unite the Union

United Road Transport Union

United Voices of the World

University and College Union

Union of Pilots, Engineers & Cabin Crew (UPECC)


Warwick International Staff Association

Welsh Rugby Players Association

Women’s Rugby Association

Workers of England Union

Writers Guild of Great Britain

Yourmate Union