Ofqual delivery report 2024
Ofqual's monitoring of awarding organisations' delivery of regulated qualifications in England between 1 September 2023 and 31 August 2024.
Applies to England
This report details the delivery by awarding organisations of Ofqual-regulated qualifications awarded between 1 September 2023 and 31 August 2024. All data relates to qualifications taken in England only. It covers the awarding of more than 7 million certifications in total, across the following types of qualifications:
general qualifications (GCSE, AS and A level qualifications and those classed as Other Generals such as the IB Diploma) with assessments in the summer of 2024
technical qualifications in T Levels taken in waves 1, 2, 3 and 4
vocational and technical qualifications that feature in government performance tables and are known as Performance Table Qualifications, such as Applied Generals and Technical Awards
apprenticeship end-point assessments (EPAs) and Functional Skills Qualifications in English and maths
Overall, the series was successful and there were no issues which caused significant disruption to the secure and timely delivery of qualifications.