
Ofqual programme of events

A list of upcoming events that Ofqual staff members are speaking or presenting at.

This publication was withdrawn on

This page is no longer being maintained.

Applies to England and Northern Ireland


Add upcoming speaking events by Ofqual to your calendar: live internet calendar (.ics)


Week commencing 31 July

Monday 31 July


Tuesday 1 August


Wednesday 2 August


Thursday 3 August


Friday 4 August


Week commencing 7 August

Monday 7 August


Tuesday 8 August


Wednesday 9 August


Thursday 10 August


Friday 11 August


Updates to this page

Published 2 February 2015
Last updated 28 July 2017 + show all updates
  1. dates updated

  2. dates updated

  3. dates updated

  4. dates updated

  5. dates updated

  6. dates updated

  7. dates updates

  8. dates updated

  9. dates updated

  10. dates updated

  11. dates updated

  12. dates updated

  13. incorrect event deleted

  14. error corrected

  15. dates updated

  16. dates updated

  17. Extra event added

  18. dates updated

  19. dates updated

  20. dates updates

  21. dates updated

  22. Updated to reflect events during week commencing 12/12/2016.

  23. dates updated

  24. dates updated

  25. dates updated

  26. dates updated

  27. dates updated

  28. dates updated

  29. dates updated

  30. dates updated

  31. dates updated

  32. dates updated

  33. dates updated

  34. date updated

  35. dates updated

  36. Updated to reflect speaking commitments between 15/08/16 and 26/08/16.

  37. dates updated

  38. dates updated

  39. dates updated

  40. dates updated

  41. dates updated

  42. Updated to reflect commitments for week commencing 11 July 2016.

  43. dates updated

  44. dates updated

  45. dates updated

  46. Adjust region

  47. dates updated

  48. dates updated

  49. dates updated

  50. dates updated

  51. dates updated

  52. dates updated

  53. dates updated

  54. dates updated

  55. dates updated

  56. dates updated

  57. dates updated

  58. dates updated

  59. dates updated

  60. dates updated

  61. Updated to include week commencing 29 February 2016.

  62. dates updated

  63. dates updates

  64. Updated for w/c 1 February 2016.

  65. dates updated

  66. dates updated

  67. dates updated

  68. dates updated

  69. date updates

  70. dates updated

  71. dates updated

  72. dates updated

  73. dates updated

  74. dates updated

  75. dates updated for w/c 28 September

  76. dates updated

  77. dates updated

  78. dates updated

  79. dates updated

  80. dates updated

  81. dates updated

  82. dates updated

  83. dates updated

  84. dates updated

  85. dates updated

  86. new event added

  87. dates updated

  88. Dates updated

  89. Dates updated

  90. Dates updated.

  91. Updated to include week commencing 25 May

  92. updated to include week commencing 18 May

  93. Updated to include week commencing 11 May

  94. Updated to include week commencing 4 April

  95. Updated to include week commencing 27 April

  96. Updated attachment to a live external .ics calendar. Updated every Friday.

  97. updated to include week commencing 20 April

  98. updated to include week commencing 13 April

  99. Updated to include week commencing 6 April

  100. Updated to include week commencing 30 March.

  101. Updated to include week beginning 23 March

  102. Updated to include events for week commencing 16 March

  103. Updated to include events for the week beginning 9 March 2015

  104. Updated for the 2 weeks commencing 23/3/15

  105. Updated for the 2 weeks commencing 9/2/15

  106. Added times to speaking events and updated .ICS file

  107. First published.

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