Useful contacts
Published 20 November 2024
Applies to England
You can find the most up to date information about the arrangements for 2024 to 2025 on Ofqual’s rolling update.
The ‘Ofqual Explains’ video series about exam and assessment arrangements is available online.
Contact Ofqual - click on the ‘enquiries’ option.
Telephone: 0300 303 3344
Our phone line is normally open from 9am to 5pm on weekdays – please check our website for opening times on and after results days.
If you want to complain to Ofqual about an exam board or awarding organisation, for example, because you think they have not followed their own policies or Ofqual’s rules, see our complaints procedure. We would usually expect you to give the awarding organisation a chance to resolve your complaint by using their complaints process before coming to us.
Queries about your qualifications

If you have any questions about the qualifications you are taking, or about preparing for your exams and assessments, you should talk to your school or college first. Your school or college will then contact the relevant awarding organisation on your behalf if necessary.
Details of all awarding organisations that deliver qualifications that Ofqual regulates are available via Ofqual’s find a regulated awarding organisation service.
Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ)
JCQ is the membership organisation for exam boards (AQA, OCR, Pearson and WJEC). Exam boards use JCQ to set common policies and procedures that schools and colleges must follow.
JCQ has published information for schools and colleges and students on the 2024 to 2025 arrangements.
JCQ’s members also include CCEA, City and Guilds, NCFE and SQA, developing and delivering many vocational and technical qualifications in England.
Information and contact: JCQ website
National Careers Service
The National Careers Service provides free and impartial careers advice, information and guidance including T Levels and VTQs. The service is available to anyone aged 13 plus. The NCS runs an exam results helpline from level 3 results day to a week after level 2 results day.
Telephone: 0800 100 900
Lines are open from 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 5pm on Saturdays. Calls are free from landlines and most mobile numbers.
UCAS, the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service, is an independent charity, and the UK’s shared admissions service for higher education.
For any questions about higher education application and admissions, you should contact the relevant institution directly.
Telephone: 0371 468 0 468
Lines are open Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 6pm.
Equality Advisory and Support Services (EASS)
Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS) advises and assists individuals on issues relating to equality and human rights, across England, Scotland and Wales.
Telephone: 0808 800 0082
Textphone: 0808 800 0084
Mental health support
Always make sure you speak to somebody if you are feeling anxious or struggling with your mental health. This might be a parent, carer or someone else you trust.
You may find it helpful to read our resources on preparing for exams – including Ofqual’s guide to coping with exam pressure.
Other organisations
Childline is a service provided by the NSPCC offering confidential support and advice to children and young people.
Mind is a charity providing mental health support for anyone experiencing a mental health problem.
Young Minds is a charity working to improve emotional well-being and mental health amongst children and young people.
NHS - Mental health support for children and young people are services that work with children and young people who have difficulties with their mental health or wellbeing.