Transparency data
Publication and dissemination policy for statistical outputs
Updated 8 March 2023
Applies to England
As part of our commitment to transparency and public accountability we will:
- make a full list of scheduled publications, and their dates, available on our website
- have all statistical publications formally approved by our Head of Profession for Statistics before they are made available to the public
- publish all our statistical publications on GOV.UK at 9:30am on a weekday following the Head of Profession’s approval
- place all our statistical publications, and linked data tables where appropriate, on our website for free download as soon as they are published on GOV.UK – they will be easy to find and available in widely used standard formats (for example, Adobe PDF and Microsoft Excel)
- announce all our new publications on our website and on our internal internet
- where requested and as far as is reasonable, make our publications available in different formats such as large print
- raise staff awareness of our publications through activities such as information-sharing sessions
- publish and follow a corrections and revisions policy that describes how we will update publications if new information comes to light
- publish and follow a pre-release policy that gives selected individuals access to our publications 24 hours before they are published – this will give them time to prepare responses to any questions that may arise from the published documents
- make past publications available on our website