Statement of administrative sources
Updated 8 March 2023
Applies to England
Official statistics published by Ofqual are based on the sources, information systems and processes described within this document.
1. Use of administrative sources for statistical purposes
Official statistics published by Ofqual are based on these main sources:
Organisation and qualification information submitted by recognised awarding organisations and published publically on the Register.
Specification information submitted by recognised awarding organisations to the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) and provided to Ofqual.
Data describing performance information: the activity of learners taking qualifications and the administrative processes surrounding this activity. In the majority of cases this data is provided to us by awarding organisations from the systems or record sets they use to administer the qualifications. Some data is collated by other organisations (e.g. JCQ) before being transferred to us.
1.1 Data collection and processing
The main system used to collect the source data Ofqual uses in its Official Statistics publications is the Awarding Organisation Portal (AO Portal). The system allows regulated awarding organisations to maintain records of their qualifications via a web-based user interface. Values held for critical fields are controlled by reference data to ensure consistency, and the production of qualifications within certain qualification types is controlled by an accreditation process.
Performance data collected from awarding organisations is also transferred using the AO Portal. Organisations submit data using standard file formats in accordance with the specifications published on our data submissions website.
Data validation and accuracy
The performance data we collect comes from many external providers, and are required as part of the conditions of recognition to provide Ofqual with accurate information. We carry out the following activities to encourage the submission of accurate information:
ensuring that we are clear about what is required through the provision of detailed specifications and guidance documents
reminding all providers (if appropriate) that, as a condition of them being regulated, all data must be completely accurate
validating all data submitted using a set of consistent and automated validation rules to ensure that it is of the correct data type, conforms to required reference data values and is does not contain inconsistencies
being alert to unexpected changes in the data submitted by comparing individual returns over time from the same supplier
actively challenging any unexpected results with the data providers
1.2 Data security
The systems we use to collect and store data are located on an Ofqual’s secure network. Performance data which has not yet been published is only available to the statistics production team to ensure the confidentiality of data for official statistics.
In addition, all authorised staff are fully trained in data protection principals and in the relevant civil service codes. All data is collected, stored and used within legal requirements such as the General Data Protection Regulation.
1.3 Consultation with data providers
The feasibility and burden to producers of any changes to the collected data are tested by asking the providers for their views on the proposals.