Audit and Risk Assurance Committee minutes: 15 June 2020
Updated 20 February 2025
Applies to England
Martin Spencer, Chair
Dame Kathryn August, Board member
Venessa Willms, Board member
Laura Wyld, Board member
James Aston, Co-opted member
Also in attendance
Amanda Spielman, Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector (HMCI), Accounting Officer
Matthew Coffey, Chief Operating Officer
Louise Grainger, Director, Finance, Planning and Commercial
Karen Murray, Mazars
Carol Hartley Burdett, GIAA
Ivan Cheary, GIAA
Matthew Terry, Corporate Governance Manager
Colin Wilcox, NAO
Emily Williams, Deputy Director Strategy, Governance and Private Office – Item 9
1. Chairman’s introduction, declarations of interest, minutes, actions and matters arising
Laura Wyld declared her appointment as a Non-Executive Director at the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved without amendment.
2. Report from Chair and Members
HMCI gave a brief update on the re-opening of schools on 1 June.
3. Progress against audit recommendations
The deadline for completion of the recommendations attached to the Travel and Subsistence report has been deferred until later in June. Both actions were classed as low priority.
4. 2019-20 Internal audit progress
The Committee noted that the Inspection standards report had offered moderate assurance and were content that each of the report’s recommendations had been accepted. Substantial assurance was provided in respect of core financial controls.
The follow up of medium and high-risk recommendations showed that in all such cases recommendations had been actioned.
5. Internal audit opinion
GIAA offered a substantial audit opinion, noting that no reports issued during 2019-20 gave a limited or unsatisfactory opinion. Overall, Ofsted returned an above average number of significant opinions when compared to wider Government.
6. Internal audit progress 2020-21
The Committee noted the Internal audit plan will need to remain flexible as a consequence of the pandemic.
The terms of reference for the Cyber Security internal audit have been agreed. Work will commence during the summer.
7. 2020-21 Internal audit reports
The Committee reviewed the report assessing the response to the Covid-19 pandemic, citing the lack of a view on best practice from other government departments. GIAA confirmed that this will be captured in follow up work.
The Committee had no comments on the proposed approach to the HR Assurance Strategy internal audit.
8. Audit completion report (ACR)
The ACR recommended an unqualified audit opinion.
The Committee noted that the actuarial report relating to the West Yorkshire
Pension Fund still needed to be provided by the Local Government Pension Fund. NAO confirmed that the Board could recommend the accounts to the Accounting Officer as planned at their meeting of 23 June and review the pension’s disclosure separately by correspondence if needs be.
The Committee noted that the ACR had been submitted later than planned and asked that, in future, it be submitted earlier to give Committee members sufficient time to review the report.
9. Annual Report and Accounts (ARA)
The Committee reviewed the ARA, noting the changes to HMT’s guidance for completing and laying ARA’s because of Covid-19.
The Committee were content to recommend to the Board that the Accounting Officer sign the accounts.
10. NAO VFM update
The Committee noted an update on the NAO’s VFM work.
11. ARAC’s report to the Board
The Committee reviewed their report to the Board in draft. Subject to the inclusion of further detail about external audit processes the Committee were content to submit the report to the Board.
12. Strategic Risk register
The Committee noted that a detailed review of the existing strategic risks undertaken in the light of the exceptional levels of external and internal change caused by COVID-19 has identified two additional strategic risks.
The Committee reviewed a summary of COVID-19 related risks.
13. Finance update report
A strategic top-down review of the financial position has commenced but further work is required to confirm the most likely case on income and expenditure.
14. AOB
No further business was raised.
End of meeting
The next Audit and Risk Assurance Committee meeting will take place at 10.30am on Thursday 17 September 2020.