Audit Risk Assurance Committee minutes: 16 June 2021
Updated 20 February 2025
Applies to England
Martin Spencer, Chair
Venessa Willms, Board member
Laura Wyld, Board member
Julie Kirkbride, Board member
James Aston, Co-opted member
Also in attendance
Amanda Spielman, Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector, Accounting Officer
Matthew Coffey, Chief Operating Officer
Louise Grainger, Director, Finance, Planning and Commercial
Board Secretary and Corporate Governance Manager
Emily Williams, Deputy Director, Strategy, Governance and Private Office (item 9)
Principal Officer, HR Strategy (item 9)
Carol Hartley Burdett, GIAA (items 1-13)
Tony Smith, GIAA (items 1-13)
Colin Wilcox, NAO (items 1-13)
Karen Murray, Mazars (items 1-13)
Amelia Payton, Mazars (items 1-13)
Yvette Stanley, National Director, Education (item 14)
Principal Officer, Safeguarding (item 14)
Deputy Director, Social Care and Regulatory Practice (item 14)
Portfolio Projects and Improvement (item 14)
Head of Corporate Governance and Internal Insight
1. Chairman’s introduction, declarations of interest, minutes, actions and matters arising
The minutes of 16 March were agreed, subject to two amendments.
The committee reviewed the action log and noted progress against actions from previous meetings.
The following declarations were made:
Laura Wyld declared that from 1 August 2021 she will become a member of the Court of the University of Newcastle upon Tyne and is a member of the Jubilee Advisory Committee.
Julie Kirkbride declared her position as Trustee of the New Schools Network and Volunteering Matters.
2. Report from Chair and Members
The chair and members welcomed the reappointment of HMCI for a further two years until 31 December 2023.
Committee members shared updates from their external roles and discussed the ongoing educational and social impact of the pandemic on children and young people, and all aspects of life.
The chair informed the committee of his attendance at the Arm’s Length Bodies Chairs meeting, and the outcomes of a session on risk management and risk reporting.
3. Report from HMCI
HMCI updated the committee on the review of sexual abuse in schools and colleges which was published on 10 June. The report had prompted widespread stakeholder commentary, largely in support of the review findings and generated significant media coverage.
The committee welcomed the report and commended staff for delivering the high-profile report within a demanding timeframe.
4. Progress against audit recommendations
The committee noted that the completion of management actions relating to the post inspection surveys audit had been delayed. HMCI has agreed an extension to the target date to reflect the fact that routine, programmed inspections will not return until September 2021.
The audit action relating to the identification of options to reconfigure the offices is ongoing. The construction work in Piccadilly Gate was completed in March and plans for the other offices will take account of feedback from Ofsted teams on future ways of working.
5. 2020-21 Internal audit plan
The committee considered the internal audit report for the year ended 31 March 2021 and noted the substantial opinion provided by the Head of Internal Audit that overall Ofsted’s framework of governance, risk management and control in 2020-21 was adequate and effective.
The committee was also pleased to note that, as was the case in 2019-20, the proportion of Ofsted reports with a ‘substantial’ overall opinion was significantly higher than average, based on GIAA’s large government customer base.
The chair put on record his thanks to the Director, Finance, Planning and Commercial and Ofsted colleagues for all their hard work in achieving a substantial opinion.
6. 2021-22 Internal audit plan
GIAA updated the committee on progress made against the 2021-21 internal audit plan. The committee noted that scoping was under way for those audits scheduled for Quarter 1 and Quarter 2.
The committee noted a minor change to the plan; the scope of the Aggregation of Insights review will be advisory.
The committee noted that the GIAA cross government insights reports.
7. External audit update – Value for Money – to note
The committee noted an update on the NAO’s value for money work.
8. Audit completion report
Members noted that the audit was due to be completed in early July 2021. Subject to the review of final Annual Report and Accounts document, the NAO will recommend to the Comptroller and Auditor General that he should certify the 2020/21 financial statements with an unqualified audit opinion.
9. Annual Report and Accounts 2020-21
The committee reviewed the draft Annual Report and Accounts, providing comments for consideration. Subject to the acceptance of those comments, the committee was content that the board approve the Annual Report and Accounts 2020-21 prior to certification of Ofsted’s Accounting Officer.
10. Draft Annual Report of the ARAC
The committee received the draft annual report, which provided an overview of the audit and risk assurance committee’s activity during the financial year 2020-21 and approved its submission to the board.
11. ARAC Effectiveness Plan
The committee received an update on progress against each of the actions arising from the ARAC self-assessment exercise.
12. Finance report
The committee noted Ofsted’s financial position as of the end of period 1.
13. Risk report
The committee noted the changes to the strategic risk register since its last
14. Internal session - Deep dive: Safeguarding in social care
Members received a deep dive presentation focusing on safeguarding in social care and Ofsted’s role as an inspector and regulator of risk in the social care system. There was a detailed discussion on how Ofsted fulfils its safeguarding role, the regulatory tools available and how risk is assessed to ensure focus is prioritised where needed.
The committee thanked the National Director, Regulation and Social Care and colleagues for a valuable and informative presentation.
15. AOB
No further business was raised.
End of meeting
The next audit and risk assurance committee meeting will take place at 10:30am on Wednesday 22 September 2021.