Corporate report

Audit Risk Assurance Committee minutes: 22 September 2021

Updated 20 February 2025

Applies to England


Martin Spencer, Chair

Venessa Willms, Board member

Laura Wyld, Board member

Julie Kirkbride, Board member

James Aston, Co-opted member

Also in attendance

Amanda Spielman, Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector, Accounting Officer

Matthew Coffey, Chief Operating Officer

Louise Grainger, Director, Finance, Planning and Commercial

Board Secretary and Corporate Governance Manager

Corporate Governance Officer

Emily Williams, Deputy Director, Strategy, Governance and Private Office (item 10)

Carol Hartley Burdett, GIAA

Tony Smith, GIAA

Rob Laid, GIAA (item 6)

Colin Wilcox, NAO

Neil Harris, Ernst and Young


There were no apologies.



1. Chairman’s introduction, declarations of interest, minutes, actions and matters arising

The minutes of the meeting held on 22 June 2021 were agreed, subject to one minor amendment.

The committee reviewed the action log and noted that the report on the lessons learned during Covid would be circulated to members for information.

2. Report from Chair and Members

Committee members shared updates from their external roles. The return to the workplace; challenges the education system faces in the next phase of the pandemic, and the resumption of routine inspection activity was discussed.

Members also reflected on a busy agenda for the parliamentary session ahead and the forthcoming Spending review.

The chair has joined the DfE Digital Data and Technology Working Group.

3. Report from HMCI

All Ofsted remits have now returned to full routine inspection and regulatory activity. Initial feedback from inspections has been positive, and the next priority is monitoring implementation to make sure that any issues are quickly identified and addressed.

The return to offices is on track following further easing of national restrictions. The situation continues to be risk assessed reflecting up-to-date government guidance.

The committee was updated on meetings with the new ministerial team and priorities.

4. Progress against audit recommendations

Eighteen management actions have been completed since the last report to the committee, including the final seven actions relating to the use and analysis of post inspection surveys.

One action arising from the Regulatory Review audit has been reported as being at risk of not meeting its completion date. This risk was classified by GIAA as low priority and will be completed by the end of October rather than end of September.

5. Internal audit report

Progress against the 2021-22 internal audit plan remains on track with no changes to the agreed programme at this stage. The final audit reports are on track to be delivered at the March 2022 meeting.

6. Issued internal audit reports

The committee reviewed the audit reports issued since the last ARAC meeting. Moderate assurance was provided in respect of the Data Modernisation audit which found that overall, effective governance processes are in place.

In response to questions from the chair about the recommendation to implement a testing strategy, it was clarified that this had been identified as a project deliverable, but not enacted at the time of the audit. Management actions relating to this, and the production of a responsibility assignment (RACI) matrix are on track for completion.

The HR Assurance advisory report found that Ofsted’s benefits and recognition arrangements are consistent with good practice GIAA has identified in other government departments. Overall, a very positive report with minor areas identified for further improvement.

7. External audit update

Ernst and Young confirmed that the draft external audit plan would be presented at the November committee meeting.

8. External audit update - Value for Money and insight work

The committee noted the NAO value for money update report.

9. Finance report


The committee noted that where resources and budget allow, HMCI’s priority is to bring forward appropriate inspections to avoid peaks of inspections in future years and reduce the average time between inspections.

10. Spending review update

The committee was briefed on the spending review bids, which have been submitted. This will be a multi-year spending review setting resource and capital budgets and the baseline settlement will be on a flat cash basis.

The chair sought assurance that workforce implications have been considered in line with the spending review submission. It was confirmed that proposals to increase capacity have been discussed at executive board and will be delivered as part of the Inspector Workforce Delivery plan. The workforce risk has also been increased to high probability on the risk register to reflect increased demand as a result of the spending review initiatives.

11. Risk report

The committee reviewed the changes to the strategic risk register since its last meeting.




12. ARAC Effectiveness Plan update

The committee received an update on progress against each of the actions arising from the ARAC self-assessment exercise.

The implementation of assurance mapping will be aligned to the process undertaken for the interim and final assurance statements for the Governance statement in the Annual report and Accounts.

13. AOB

There was no other business.

End of meeting

The next audit and risk assurance committee meeting will take place at 10:30am on Wednesday 17 November 2021.