Corporate report

Ofsted Board minutes: 13 December 2023

Updated 19 September 2024

Applies to England


Dame Christine Ryan (Chair)

Amanda Spielman (HMCI)

Felicity Gillespie

Martin Spencer

Chris Hanvey

Carole Stott

David Meyer

Jon Yates

Jo Moran

Frank Young

Hamid Patel

Laura Wyld

Executive attendance                                

Matthew Coffey (Chief Operating Officer)

Louise Grainger (Director, Finance, Planning and Commercial)

Mark Leech (Director, Strategy and Engagement)

Alex Jones (Director, Insights and Research) 

Chris Russell (National Director, Education)

Yvette Stanley (National Director, Regulation and Social Care)


Juliet Chua (Department for Education (DfE)) (meeting items: welcome, apologies and declarations of interest, minutes, matters arising and action log, HMCI and executive update, regulation 28 report, finance update, audit and risk assurance committee update, strategic risk and strategic dashboard (Juliet Chua left the meeting after this item and Roger Coates joined)

Roger Coates (Department for Education (DfE) (meeting items: Corporate governance framework and AOB)

Also in attendance

Mathew Purves (Regional Director, South East) (meeting items: HMCI and executive update)

Kate Warburton (Deputy Director, Legal Services) (meeting items: HMCI and executive update)

Private Secretary to HMCI, Head of Private Office and Corporate Governance

Senior Strategy Analyst (meeting items: strategic risk and strategic dashboard, corporate governance framework and AOB)

Executive support

Board Secretary


Approved at the board meeting on 29 February 2024.

Welcome, apologies and declarations of interest

The chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Minutes, matters arising and action log

The minutes of the last board meeting were agreed as a correct record.

HMCI and executive update

The board received an update on all areas of Ofsted’s work since the last board meeting.

Regulation 28 report

The board discussed the Regulation 28 report which was published on 12 December.

HMCI and the executive described the immediate steps taken. As a first step, week commencing 11 December 2023:

  • there was a one-day delay to inspections
  • schools with a scheduled inspection had been offered the opportunity to defer
  • all schools had been provided with a number to call if they have concerns about their inspection. This will put them directly in touch with someone senior from Ofsted who is independent of the inspection process.

In January, a training programme for all inspectors would begin on recognising and responding to visible signs of anxiety and what to do if a pause is needed. The inspection handbook would also be clear that school leaders can be accompanied by colleagues in meetings with inspectors, and that they can share inspection outcomes with colleagues, family, medical advisers and their wider support group, before they are shared with parents.

The board supported the measures and recommended that support for staff should also be reflected in plans. The board agreed that changes made must be reflected across the full suite of remits that Ofsted regulate and inspect, where appropriate.

The importance of board involvement in providing strategic advice and input into related work was emphasised.

Finance update

Ofsted’s financial position at the end of period 7 was discussed.

The board thanked the Director, Finance, Planning and Commercial and the executive for balancing the budget this year, but recognised that tough decisions had to be taken to absorb the pay rise and other cost increases.

The board expressed concern about the pausing of planned investment in technology and the direct consequences on efficiency and future improvements. Recruitment controls has also meant that teams are under resourced. The financial position has been shared with the DfE.

Audit and risk assurance committee update

At its meeting on 14 November the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee (ARAC) reviewed the strategic risk register and received the provisional external audit plan from the National Audit Office (NAO) and Ernst & Young (EY). The Government Internal Audit Agency’s (GIAA) contract to provide internal audit services was also agreed for a further year.

An effectiveness review found that committee members were largely satisfied with the arrangements for ARAC meetings and identified some areas for improvement, including conducting more deep dives and producing an assurance map.

Strategic risk and strategic dashboard

The board reviewed the strategic risk register and acknowledged that some re-alignment of the ratings had to be worked through to ensure it was responsive to the fast-changing environment.

Action: Strategic risk register to be updated and presented to the next board meeting.

Corporate governance framework

The board agreed to review the corporate governance framework when the new HMCI is in post.

Action: Board to review the corporate governance framework to ensure it is relevant and fit for purpose.


Chris Russell, National Director, Education was thanked for his support and work with the board over the years.

The board paid tribute to Amanda Spielman for her work in the role of HMCI and as a board member over the past 7 years.