Ofsted Board minutes: 29 June 2023
Updated 19 September 2024
Applies to England
Dame Christine Ryan (Chair)
Amanda Spielman (HMCI)
David Meyer
Carole Stott
Jo Moran
Jon Yates
Hamid Patel
Frank Young
Martin Spencer
Executive attendance
Matthew Coffey (Chief Operating Officer)
Louise Grainger (Director, Finance, Planning and Commercial)
Chris Jones (Director, Strategy and Engagement)
Alex Jones (Director, Insights and Research)
Chris Russell (National Director, Education)
Yvette Stanley (National Director, Regulation and Social Care)
Mark Leech (Deputy Director, Communications)
Juliet Chua (Director General, Schools, Department for Education (DfE))
Also in attendance
Private Secretary to HMCI and Head of Private Office and Corporate Governance
Head of Strategy (meeting items: annual report and accounts, HMCI and executive, strategic dashboard updates and strategic risk register)
Senior Strategy Analyst (meeting item: strategic dashboard)
HMI Specialist Adviser, Residential Care (meeting item: social care system development)
Head of Strategic Evaluation (meeting item: education inspection framework (EIF) evaluation update)
Senior Evaluation Lead (meeting item: EIF evaluation update)
Executive support
Board Secretary
Corporate Governance Officer
Approved at the board meeting on 20 September 2023.
Welcome, apologies and declarations of interest
Apologies were received from Chris Hanvey, Laura Wyld and Felicity Gillespie. Input on board matters was provided in advance of the meeting and included in discussions.
Jo Moran declared that she has been appointed as a non-executive director to Vivid housing.
Minutes, matters arising and action log
The minutes of the last board meeting were agreed as a correct record, subject to one minor amendment to paragraph 5.2.
The board’s SharePoint site will hold relevant information for members to readily access.
Action: Board secretary to create a separate folder titled ‘board actions’ on the site.
Board effectiveness action plan
Progress against the board effectiveness action plan was noted.
Audit and risk assurance committee (ARAC) annual report
The board noted the ARAC annual report setting out the activities of the committee in the financial year 2022 to 23.
The chair of ARAC confirmed that the committee had agreed at its meeting on 13 June to advise the board to recommend that HMCI certify the accounts.
Following Chris Hanvey’s departure from the audit and risk assurance committee, Jon Yates has agreed to sit on the committee.
The overall opinion from the internal auditors remains substantial for the fourth consecutive year. This is the highest classification given and is a notable achievement. The external auditors also provided a positive report and commended Ofsted’s financial management and controls system.
Finance update
The financial position at the end of period 1 (April 2023) and an update on the unfunded Civil Service pay remit guidance and next steps was presented to the board. The board discussed the potential implications of recent government decisions on the Ofsted budget and spending priorities. A further update will be provided at the next meeting in September.
Annual report and accounts
The board discussed the Annual report and accounts (ARA) 2022 to 23, which had been scrutinised and recommended for approval by the ARAC. The ARA will be laid before Parliament on 18 July.
HMCI recommended that board members review the figures on page 49 of the report, which provides a helpful breakdown of spend across remits.
The board recommended that HMCI certify the Annual report and accounts subject to changes to wording on complaints.
HMCI and executive updates
HMCI provided an overview of historical decisions on the design of the wider accountability system, including inspections, noting that a range of different bodies are involved in holding schools to account and supporting them to improve.
Ofsted’s remit has expanded significantly over the last 20 years, but Ofsted’s overall budget has reduced. The board was supportive of engagement with the DfE and setting out the case for reviewing priorities in the light of financial constraints.
The board received an update on all areas of Ofsted’s work since the last board meeting, including priorities for the coming months.
The national safeguarding duty desk was operating effectively. It was set up to provide additional assurance that inspectors on regional duty desks are being proportionate when evaluating safeguarding concerns.
The government review of relationships, sex, health education (RSHE) in schools was discussed.
Action: Board secretary to add RSHE to the next board meeting agenda.
Strategic dashboard
The strategic dashboard and progress on the implementation of strategic priorities was presented.
Under the ‘making the most of our insights’ strategic priority, the board requested more specific examples of changes made after reading our research.
Action: Head of Strategy to include information in future reports.
Strategic risk register
The board reviewed the strategic risk register and noted there were no changes since the last meeting. Current ratings for SR2 and SR7 were discussed further. It was noted that ARAC have scheduled a strategic risk review for the autumn.
Social care system development
A deep dive into Ofsted’s response to complex social care reviews, actions taken to strengthen oversight and lesson learned was presented. Discussion noted actions taken and improvements to provider registration, a risk management tool for all regions, improved guidance on notifications and guidance on whistleblowing.
EIF evaluation update
The board was briefed on the high-level plan for evaluating the EIF and the progress made so far. The evaluation is a contribution to Ofsted’s strategic priority of making the most of our insights.
Sector engagement to understand the impact of the EIF will form a significant part of the impact study. The board recommended including school and further education college governors as an important cohort to engage with. The board discussed the research tools and methods to gain views.
Following board feedback on our ways of working, the chair is considering the recommendations.
The next meeting is 20 September. Dates for 2024 board meetings will be shared as soon as possible.
Chris Jones was thanked for his support and work with the board over the last 5 years. Mark Leech, Deputy Director, Communications will step into the Director, Strategy and Engagement role until a permanent appointment is made.