Corporate report

Ofsted Board minutes: 19 September 2024

Updated 11 February 2025

Applies to England


Christine Ryan (Chair)

Martyn Oliver (HMCI)

Felicity Gillespie

Martin Spencer

Chris Hanvey

Carole Stott

David Meyer

Laura Wyld

Jo Moran

Jon Yates

Hamid Patel

Frank Young

Executive attendance

Matthew Coffey (Deputy HMCI)

Louise Grainger (Chief Financial Officer) 

Rory Gribbell (Director, Strategy and Engagement)

Alex Jones (Director, Insights and Research)

Lee Owston (National Director, Education) 

Yvette Stanley (National Director, Regulation and Social Care) 


Juliet Chua (Director General, Schools Group, Department for Education) (meeting items: HMCI update, finance update, digital strategy update, annual report, safeguarding update, strategic risk update, any other business) (online)

Also in attendance

Principal Private Secretary to HMCI, Head of Private Office (meeting items: actions taken by the Chair, HMCI update, finance update, digital strategy update, annual report, safeguarding update, strategic risk update, any other business)

Neil Greenwood, Deputy Chief Operating Officer – Operations (meeting items: digital strategy update)

Deborah Carne, Deputy Director, Digital Change (meeting items: digital strategy update)

Strategic Priorities Risks and Compliance Lead (meeting items: safeguarding update)

Executive support

Board Secretary

Strategy and Engagement Co-ordinator


Approved at the Board meeting on 11 December 2024.

Welcome, apologies and declarations of interest

The minutes of the last meeting were approved as a correct record.

HMCI declared a new interest as Child Welfare Officer at Easingwold Golf Club. This is a voluntary role, with no remuneration.

Actions and matters arising

There were no matters arising.

Actions taken by the Chair

The board Chair has agreed with HMCI performance objectives for the period September 2024 – August 2025.  HMCI’s objectives are directly linked to delivery of the strategic objectives, to undertakings given in relation to the Big Listen, and to the agreed recommendations from external reviews.

Action: HMCI’s performance objectives to be shared with the board before the next meeting.

The board discussed an ongoing legal matter.

Action: Director, Strategy and Engagement to present a detailed communications plan to the board for ongoing communications relating to issues of strategic importance.

Implementing findings from Dame Christine Gilbert’s independent review

The board discussed the findings and progress on recommendations from the independent review by Dame Christine Gilbert.  In particular, proposals for next steps in implementing the recommendations 1 and 13 were considered.  Ofsted accepted both recommendations in full and the board agreed the proposed next actions for implementation.

Action: the Chair to establish a working group, comprising board and executive members, to review the Corporate Governance Framework.

Action: the board will be updated on progress at the 11 December meeting.

HMCI update

The board received a high-level update from HMCI, which included:

  • how Ofsted will deliver the action plan following Dame Christine Gilbert’s review
  • HMCI and the DfE Director General are meeting regularly to discuss reforms
  • progress on plans for consulting on changes to inspection

The board wished to note the real benefit that the organisation was seeing as a result of a strong working relationship between the Chair and HMCI, and the consistency it provided. 

The board discussed the need for Ofsted’s ongoing communications to reflect HMCI’s focus on improving outcomes for the most disadvantaged and vulnerable children, including those in illegal children’s homes and young offender institutions.

Action: board secretary to share link to Radio 5 Live interview about unregistered children’s homes featuring Director, Regulation and Social Care.

Finance update

The board noted the current financial position and discussed business as usual priorities. 

The board were advised that Ofsted’s Spending Review bid had been submitted in line with other government departments and arm’s length bodies.

Action: Spending Review letter to be shared with the board.

Digital strategy update

The board received an update on the digital strategy. The board emphasised the importance of digital investment to avoid risks associated with reliance on legacy systems in the future and the escalating costs associated with deferred investment.

The board encouraged open dialogue with the DfE to ensure the ongoing maintenance and improvement budgets were secure. It was noted that the audit and risk assurance committee (ARAC) had scrutinised the risks associated with the various scenarios for funding.  

The board sought assurance that any developments in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) or similar technologies would include ethical considerations.  Executive confirmed that the AI Oversight Group and Ethics Committee, together provide guidance on ethical issues, including the use of AI and advanced technologies. Additional external expertise was also being sought. Further assurances were given around a programme of work to support cyber security.

Annual report

Plans for the next annual report were discussed. The board challenged whether the current approach to developing the report represented value for money. Assurance was given that a new approach to the production of the annual report would result in a more accessible, slimmed down and focused report.  This would represent tighter financial probity. The board made suggested various changes to make online versions of the annual report more accessible.

The board were in agreement that the narrative should focus on the outcomes for children and learners, based on evidence from Ofsted’s work. The executive noted the board’s suggestions around the key messages on what should be included and where the emphasis should be placed.

Safeguarding update

It was agreed that the six-monthly report from the Safeguarding Group, due to be presented internally, would come to the board at the next meeting. The board thanked Felicity Gillespie for her work as board representative on the Safeguarding Group.

Strategic risk update

The board were given an update on the Strategic Risk Register and risk tolerance. The board noted the register had undergone extensive interrogation at the recent ARAC meeting and supported the adoption of the latest developments to the risk register format.  The new approach provides increased transparency and oversight at board level. Work on the register is close to completion. 

The board emphasised that the final form should reflect the need for robust risk mitigations and risk ownership, and for this to be balanced with the organisation’s values and behaviours, to avoid an overly risk-averse culture.

Any other business

Board minutes for the period December 2023 to April 2024 (inclusive) have now been published and ARAC meetings would shortly follow.