Corporate report

Ofsted Board minutes: 29 February 2024

Published 19 September 2024

Applies to England


Dame Christine Ryan (Chair)

Sir Martyn Oliver, His Majesty’s Chief Inspector (HMCI)

David Meyer

Jon Yates

Jo Moran

Frank Young

Hamid Patel

Laura Wyld

Martin Spencer

Executive attendance                                

Matthew Coffey (Deputy HMCI)

Louise Grainger (Director, Finance, Planning and Commercial)

Rory Gribbell (Director, Strategy and Engagement)

Alex Jones (Director, Insights and Research) 

Lee Owston (National Director, Education)

Yvette Stanley (National Director, Regulation and Social Care)


Juliet Chua (Department for Education (DfE))

Also in attendance

Head of Private Office and Corporate Governance

Executive support

Board Secretary

Corporate Governance Officer


Approved at the Board meeting on 18 April 2024.

Welcome, apologies and declarations of interest

Apologies were received from Carole Stott.

Martyn Oliver and Rory Gribbell were welcomed to their first board meeting.

Minutes, matters arising and action log

The minutes of the last board meeting were agreed as a correct record.

There was one outstanding action. A date will be agreed when all board members are available to conduct a stakeholder mapping exercise.  

Board away day outputs

The board supported the proposal to enhance ways of working between the board and the executive so that the board has a comprehensive understanding of Ofsted operations so that it can provide appropriate challenge and support to the executive.

HMCI and the chair clarified that the mode of engagement between individual board members and regions are by mutual agreement and may, for example, include visits, attendance at a star chamber meeting or receiving summarised information from the region.

The board noted and welcomed the change to the format of papers following feedback at the away day in January.

To improve clarity in documentation and communications in relation to Ofsted’s governance and organisational structure, it was agreed that ‘the board’ referred only to members of ‘the office’ of Ofsted and that the executive board be renamed the executive committee.   

As part of its work on reviewing the corporate governance framework, the board asked to see legal advice and guidance on the role of the board in relation to annual budget setting and approval. It was agreed that the board as a whole should have sight of the proposed annual budget and be afforded proper opportunity to advise HMCI in finalising the budget.

Action: Legal to produce a briefing paper outlining the role and responsibilities of the board in relation to the budget in accordance with the legislation and best practice guidance.

Action: Board secretary to arrange an extraordinary meeting in March for the board to consider this years’ budget and provide advice to HMCI before approving.

The board agreed that meeting dates for 2025 should be aligned to the budget cycle.

Action: Board secretary to identify 2025 meeting dates for approval by the chair and the board.

The board approved the proposal to establish a finance subcommittee of the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee (ARAC). The subcommittee will meet on the same day as ARAC, reducing the need for additional resources or board time. The subcommittee would provide the opportunity for greater board scrutiny of finances and their deployment, as has previously been requested.

Action: Finance subcommittee draft terms of reference to be shared at the next board meeting.

The work of the safeguarding group was highlighted, and it was agreed that the board would value a briefing on the work of the group.

Action: Board secretary to add a briefing on the safeguarding group to the forward plan.

Big Listen update

The board received an update on the Big Listen which will be launched at the ASCL conference on 8 March.

The Big Listen strands of work include a public consultation; external and internal events and 2 external pieces of research (polling and focus grouping), surveying parents and our sectors. ​

The chair recommended that board members attend Big Listen events. The Director, Strategy and Engagement will provide a list of suitable events for board information.

Action: Director, Strategy and Engagement to provide a list of Big Listen events to board members for them to indicate where they would like to attend.

Education Select Committee (ESC) response

The chair and senior board member provided input into the response to the Education Select Committee inquiry. The board was content with the current draft, which would go forward for submission to the ESC.  

HMCI and executive update

The board received an update on all areas of Ofsted’s work since the last meeting, including priorities for the coming months. Topics discussed included, HMCI engagement with staff, stakeholders, ministers and DfE senior officials.

HMCI and the executive are working closely with the DfE on future spending review bids.

Ofsted, and other regulators have been asked by ministers to produce an updated plan for how we intend to engage with artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. The plan will include the work undertaken to understand, assess and manage the current and emerging risks posed by AI and the opportunities it might present. A draft position statement will be shared with the chair before publication by the end of April.

Action: Director, Insights and Research to share the draft position statement on AI with the Chair before publication.

Finance update

Ofsted’s financial position at the end of period 10 was noted.

Strategic risk report

It was agreed that the approach to risk management and strategic risks will be fully reviewed this year.​ Whilst risks are being appropriately managed by risk owners, and mitigating actions are in place, there is still further work to be done to ensure that we are taking a strategic approach to the risk register.​

Audit and risk assurance committee update

At its meeting on 16 January ARAC reviewed the strategic risk register, the financial position and received the draft internal audit plan for 2024-25. The interim audit began in February. The final audit will begin in May and be completed by June.


There was no other business.