
General marking scheme for Immigration Advice Authority assessments

Updated 7 November 2022

Examinees will be issued with a straight ‘pass’ or ‘fail’.

1. Level 1 assessment

The Level 1 Assessment is split into two sections. Section 1: a 20 question multiple choice exercise followed by Section 2: scenario based questions requiring written answers.

Candidates will be allowed one attempt to pass the Level 1 Assessment. It is a requirement to pass both Section 1 and Section 2 to attain an overall pass. If an applicant is unable to pass both sections of their Level 1 Assessment in a single attempt, then their application for registration is likely to be refused

1.1 Section 1

Section 1 consists of 20 multiple choice questions. The pass mark for section 1 is set at 60% (12/20).

1.2 Section 2

Section 2 consists of scenario based questions. There are 30-35 marks available for the section, depending on the specific paper. The pass mark is set at 60%.

2. Level 2 and 3 assessments

Level 2 and 3 assessments consist of scenario based questions. The pass mark is 65% for both the level 2 and level 3 assessments.

3. Written communication skills

A separate assessment will be made on the applicants’ ability to effectively communicate in written English. A grading system will be applied for assessment of each of the 2 areas as follows:

3.1 Grammar


Proficient or moderate use of language in the main. There may be minor errors in syntax but not to the level that it changes the meaning of the prose.


Bad use of language. The paper is difficult to comprehend and the meaning is ambiguous.

3.2 Spelling


Correct or average spelling. There are some inaccuracies but the words can still be understood. Any spelling mistakes that are evident do not affect the examiners’ comprehension.


Bad spelling. There is a high incidence of inaccuracy throughout. Words are ambiguous, they negatively affect the examiners’ understanding of the answers.

Examinees are expected to attain a minimum grading of adequate in each of the above 3 areas.

4. Borderline papers

All borderline papers will be referred for higher moderation before a final result is agreed. If after moderation, candidates are still deemed to have fallen short of the minimum expectations for written communication then they are likely to fail overall.

Level 1, Section 2 assessment papers are subject to moderation if the total marks awarded are up to 5% below the pass mark and up to 3% over the pass mark.

Level 2 and 3 scripts are subject to moderation if candidates score up to 5% below the pass mark or fewer and up to 3% over the pass mark.

5. Feedback and answer papers

Specific feedback is not offered to candidates nor does the Immigration Advice Authority (IAA) provide copies of answer scripts or question papers following assessments.

6. Special considerations

Special considerations will be given to candidates with relevant disabilities or learning difficulties, but only if they confirm the requirement for reasonable adjustments when applying for their examination date with the IAA.

Medical or other supporting documentation may be requested as evidence of this requirement.