Old Plaw Hatch Farm Limited: application made to abstract water
Published 28 February 2020
Applies to England
Details of the application
Old Plaw Hatch Farm Limited has applied to the Environment Agency for a licence.
The Environment Agency is giving notice of this application in accordance with Section 37 of the Water Resources Act 1991 and Regulation 6 of the Water Resources (Abstraction and Impounding) Regulations 2006.
The application is to vary licence serial number 9/40/03/0174/GR which authorises the abstraction of water from the Ashdown Sands underground strata at National Grid References TQ 39740 32690 and TQ 39213 32862.
The variation applied for is: to include spray irrigation as a purpose on the licence and to add a new abstraction point at National Grid Reference TQ 39330 32673, with no change to the overall licence quantities.
A further application to vary this licence has been made under the Transitional Regulations. This is an application to include the purpose of trickle irrigation on the licence.
How to view the application
You can view the application and supporting documents, during normal office hours at the Environment Agency:
Tonbridge Office
Medway House
Powder Mill Lane
TN11 9AS
You can view a summary of the application, during normal office hours, on the Public Register at the Environment Agency:
Guildbourne House
Catsworth Road
West Sussex
BN11 1LD
How to comment on the application
Send any representation about this application in writing, quoting the name of the applicant and reference number NPS/WR/030896 to the Environment Agency at:
Permitting and Support Centre
Water Resources Team
Quadrant 2
99 Parkway Avenue
S9 4WF
Or by email to: PSC-WaterResources@environment-agency.gov.uk
By 27 March 2020.
For advice about how to make a representation call 03708 506 506.