
Oldfield, Stephen - Chief Commercial Officer and Director General of Commercial and Life Sciences at the Department of Health and Social Care -ACOBA Advice

Advice to Stephen Oldfield CB, former Chief Commercial Officer and Director General of Commercial and Life Sciences at the Department of Health and Social Care



Mr Oldfield left his role at Cabinet Office and the Department of Health and Social Care in October 2022.

Senior Advisor, Portland Limited

Mr Oldfield sought the Committee’s advice about taking up a role with Portland Limited. The letter containing the Committee’s consideration and the conditions imposed on the appointment was sent in July 2023; and the appointment was taken up in November 2023. An accessible version of the letter is available here.

Non-Executive Director, Health Innovation Manchester

Mr Oldfield sought the Committee’s advice about taking up a role with Health Innovation Manchester. The letter containing the Committee’s consideration and conditions imposed on the appointment was sent in January 2023; and the appointment was taken up in February 2023. An accessible version of the letter is available here.

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Published 4 July 2023

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