
Sandside beach near Dounreay particle finds from 31 October 2023 to present

Updated 5 June 2024

The particle finds attachment pages are updated as and when particles are found.

The details of particle finds on the Sandside beach near Dounreay.

Particle finds before 31 October 2023 can be found here Radioactive particles in the environment around Dounreay - GOV.UK (

From 31 October 2023

ID Number Date Easting Northing Depth cm Cs137 Bq Co60 Bq Nb94 Bq Am-241 Category Comments
SSBCH/24/001 16/05/2024 296040 965525 4.5 1.20E+04 < 3.4 < 2.10E+01 3.20E+01 Minor -