
Open general export licence access overseas to software and technology for military goods: individual use only

Licence allowing people who are temporarily based abroad to access their business’ technology and information technology systems in the UK.



This open general export licence (OGEL) allows people who would normally be based in the UK, but who are temporarily based abroad to access their business’ technology and information technology systems in the UK, via laptops if appropriate, in connection with their business’ operations. This is subject to certain conditions. Employees must have authorisation from their employer to access the business’ systems.

Reporting requirements

This OGEL is subject to reporting requirements under the open licence returns transparency initiative.

Revoked licences

You can find revoked versions of the open general export licence (access overseas to software and technology for military goods: individual use only) on the National Archives website.

You can find revoked versions of the open general export licence (access overseas to software and technology for military goods: individual use only - from December 2019) on the National Archives website.

Updates to this page

Published 27 June 2013
Last updated 19 January 2024 show all updates
  1. The Ogel has been amended to remove Haiti as permissible destinations. The current one is revoked.

  2. The open general export licence access overseas to software and technology for military goods: individual use only - from December 2019 has been revoked as it is no longer required.

  3. Open general export licence (access overseas to software and technology for military goods: individual use only) has been revised to clarify that it is available for registration.

  4. This OGEL has been revised to take into account changes in legislation following the end of the transition period.

  5. These OGELs have been revised to take into account changes in legislation following the end of the transition period.

  6. Clarity on who can use this licence.

  7. Venezuela added to the list of non-valid destinations following EU sanctions against that country imposed on 13 November 2017.

  8. Changes to destination countries in schedule 2: Central African Republic added. Guinea, Ivory Coast, Liberia and Rwanda removed.

  9. Changes to rating code PL5001 listed under Schedule 1 (Goods concerned).Pre-visit questionnaire clause added.

  10. Republished to reflect the fact that South Sudan has been added to the schedule of destinations.

  11. Correction: South Sudan added to Schedule 2 (destinations).

  12. Minor formatting and typographical errors corrected.

  13. Licence amended to add Russia to the list of non-permitted destinations following the EU arms embargo.

  14. Licence amended to reflect the new Government Security Classification System.

  15. A paragraph has been added to the conditions and requirements of this licence to the effect that it will automatically run out if not used within any 24-month period.

  16. On 20 December 2013 the text under 'Conditions and requirements' of this licence was updated in error. The previous licence has been republished.

  17. Updated guidance to reflect new reporting process in connection with the transparency initiative.

  18. First published.

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